Chapter 1101 Wrong title
Even Bei Li Xinhong was very depressed. Recently, for some unknown reason, Bei Liwan and Bei Liyang looked more and more like Zi Meng.

Maybe they are learning from Zimeng?

In short, they find it troublesome to do anything, and don't want to take care of any troublesome things. If they are not from Beili's family, I'm afraid, they will definitely not care about the affairs of Beili's family.

"Looking at your expression, I knew that you definitely didn't help him at home." Zi Meng looked at Bei Liwan helplessly, and Bei Liwan rubbed her nose uncomfortably.

Although she admits it's true!
However, these are all learned from Zimeng!Therefore, Zimeng has no right to say anything about her!
It was not easy for everyone to meet again. Immediately, they got carried away talking, and the whole courtyard seemed extremely lively.

When Hong Bo knew that Zimeng's friends were coming, he had tea prepared for them, and even the room was ready a few days ago.

"Miss, do you need us to prepare some food?" Uncle Hong walked to Zimeng's side from the outside and asked in a low voice.

Immediately, the lively voices quieted down, and everyone looked at Uncle Hong, which made Uncle Hong stand there in a daze.

He felt as if he had asked the wrong question.

But, thinking about it carefully, the question he asked seems to be correct, right?

With so many people, although their strength is high enough, they still need to eat, right?In particular, they count as guests here.

Preparing to eat is a necessary etiquette for a host, right?
"No need, Uncle Hong, these people are here, you don't need to be polite to them, as long as you take care of the Gu family, that's fine, they are very casual here, if there is something, let them solve it themselves."

Seeing a group of people staring at Hong Bo, Zi Meng could not help but roll her eyes, and sent Hong Bo out.

Moreover, when Uncle Hong left, he was very fast. Being stared at by such a group of people inexplicably, this feeling is not very pleasant!
"I said, why do you keep staring at an old man like this? Take a look, it's embarrassing to show him."

After Uncle Hong left, Zimeng looked at Ling Siyun and the others with helplessness on her face, Ling Siyun went to sit beside Zimeng.

"Master, I didn't expect you to have subordinates after you came here for such a short time? However, I heard him call you Miss just now, isn't that a wrong name?"

It's not just Ling Siyun who has doubts, but other people also have doubts. They clearly remember that when Di Yuanmo brought them here, this Uncle Hong called Di Yuanmo the head of the family, okay?

According to this title, shouldn't he call Zimeng his wife?

Just now, they all heard clearly that Uncle Hun called her 'Miss'!
"Well, we are here only temporarily. Of course, Yuan's Patriarch is also temporary, so I didn't let them call me Madam. If they get used to calling me in the future, wouldn't it be difficult to change their words?"

Zimeng looked at them with a smile, and they thought about it, so they didn't plan to say anything more. Anyway, they didn't find it strange what kind of name Zimeng had here.

"By the way, Zi Meng, I haven't thanked you enough yet." Watching the others continue to chat, Mo Qiqi walked up to Zi Meng and sat down on the other side of her.

After looking at Ling Siyun, Mo Qiqi thanked Zimeng very seriously.

"Thank me for what?" Zi Meng looked at Mo Qiqi puzzled.

"You haven't forgotten, have you?" Mo Qiqi looked at Zimeng's appearance, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

(End of this chapter)

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