Chapter 1150 Don't Blame Her
Ling Siyun and Mo Qiqi looked at Zimeng in surprise. Although the little beast looked cute, its strength was terrifying.

However, Zimeng is still laughing here, is it funny?
"Is it okay? Although I got out of control a bit, it didn't hurt me, and the little guy is quite cute." Zimeng said lightly, Ling Siyun and the others were even more puzzled.

"Just a little out of control?" The corners of Ling Siyun's mouth couldn't help twitching, how could it be just a little out of control?

"It can't be that the power of the contracted beast and the master are the same? They both like to lose control so much?" Mo Qiqi looked Yu Tingxi up and down, and Yu Tingxi turned his eyes away from them.

"Actually, Tingxi's contracted beast is quite powerful, but now, that contracted beast is equivalent to a child, so he can't control his own power. However, I think, when he wakes up, it should be almost the same. .”

After Zimeng explained to them, everyone suddenly realized, is this the case?

No wonder, every time Yu Tingxi called that little guy out, his strength would lose control from time to time, which scared them to death!

After doing this for so long, it turns out that he is still just a child?
"So, are we only hurt by a child every time?" The corners of Ling Siyun's mouth twitched and twitched non-stop, and Yu Tingxi moved slowly to keep herself away from Ling Siyun.

Ling Siyun's face is getting darker and darker, if she gets too close, Ling Siyun will definitely clean her up after a while!

"Yutingxi!!!" Ling Siyun suddenly turned her head and looked at Yutingxi viciously. If it wasn't for Zimeng and the others, Yutingxi might have already made a move.

"I don't know that his power is out of control, is it because he is still a child?"

Hiding behind Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng, Yu Tingxi spoke timidly. She only knew the reason after hearing what Zi Meng said today? !

So, don't blame her for this matter!

"Okay, don't blame her, she doesn't know what's going on, she just knows that her contracted beast power is disobedient."

Zimeng patted Ling Siyun's shoulder helplessly, Ling Siyun sighed fiercely, she no longer knew what to say about Yu Tingxi.

Mo Qiqi also patted Ling Siyun's shoulder helplessly. The matter was already like this, and it was useless to blame her. Moreover, Yu Tingxi herself didn't know what was going on.

"In the future, it won't happen in the future, the master said." Yu Tingxi looked at Ling Siyun and said softly.

Ling Siyun sighed, "Forget about it, but in the future, don't call her the head of the sect in front of outsiders, you understand?"

Yu Tingxi nodded slightly. Today, beside Ji Rong and the others, Yu Tingxi didn't call her head, but sister.

After Ji Rong went back, she didn't dare to tell others that she was beaten by Yu Tingxi, and she also reminded others not to let them talk nonsense.

Anyway, it's not a good thing to talk about this kind of thing.

What's more, if her father finds out, he will definitely be more disappointed with her. Now, he doesn't want to talk to her anymore. Who knows what will happen in the future?
She also didn't want the Ji family to despise her and laugh at her because of this incident. She, who has always been aloof, absolutely couldn't bear it.

Because of her selfishness, no one in the Ji family knew the strength of Yu Tingxi and the others, and they suffered heavy losses. However, these are all things to come.

(End of this chapter)

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