Chapter 1151 Who else is there

"It's almost time, I think they should be here too." Di Yuanmo raised his head, looked at the sky, and then spoke slowly, Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo puzzled.

Haven't all the people who should come have come?Who else is coming?

"You'll know soon." Di Yuanmo smiled at Zimeng, and then fell silent.

Everyone also looked at Di Yuanmo suspiciously. In fact, they didn't know who else was coming. At that time, when they came, Di Yuanmo only brought them.

"It's really not that good here? Why do you live here?" A faint voice came, with a little familiarity, Zimeng and the others turned their heads, and it turned out to be Dugu Mingxue and Dugu Ming brother and sister.

"Mingxue, why are you here too?" Zi Meng ran over happily when she saw them.

"Of course I'm here to help you! It's just that my brother has just left the customs, so I quickly dragged him over, isn't it too late?"

Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng with a smile, and Zimeng shook her head lightly. She had to say that Di Yuanmo's thoughts were too thoughtful, and she didn't even think about it.

Fortunately, Di Yuanmo was there, otherwise, she would be paralyzed.

"Oh, I really don't know what you guys are playing. I was pulled over by this girl just after I left the level. Can you explain to me?"

Dugu Ming found a place to sit down, and then looked at Zimeng and the others helplessly. Although he is Dugu Mingxue's brother, he can't do anything with Dugu Mingxue. He will never object to what Dugu Mingxue asks him to do. .

According to what Zimeng said, what should he be called?

Yes, sister control!

"Of course I asked you to come and play. Look how kind I am to you. I never forget to call you when I have fun." Zimeng had a smile on her face that didn't feel that she was wrong at all, which made Dugu Ming very sad. It is helpless.

Invite them to come and play?
How could there be such a good thing?

"What are you playing?" Dugu Ming didn't believe in Zimeng, but Dugu Mingxue believed it very much. It doesn't matter if it's not fun to come here to play and see Zimeng.

"Of course it's beating people! Isn't it fun?" Zi Meng looked at them with a smile, and the corners of Dugu Ming's and Dugu Ming's mouths twitched slightly at the same time.

Sure enough, nothing good happened!

However, since they have already come, they don't want to say anything more, just take it as a visit, and Dugu Ming hasn't come out for a long time.

"Uncle Hong, please help arrange a room for them?" Zi Meng turned to look at Uncle Hong who was not far away.

"Yes, I see." Hong Bo stopped, looked at Zi Meng, nodded slightly, and then left quickly to arrange a room for Dugu Mingxue and the others.

Zimeng sat down and chatted with Dugu Mingxue and his brother and sister for a while, letting them know the current situation.

Moreover, with the addition of Ling Siyun and Bei Liwan talking to each other, Dugu Mingxue and the others knew what Chu Yun did to Zimeng.

"Really? But, since she dared to poison you, why didn't you just kill her?" Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng puzzled.

He dared to poison Zimeng, and Zimeng was able to let her go, isn't that Zimeng's personality?

"Waiting for the four major families to compete in a while, just treat them well, so don't worry."

Zimeng lowered her head, with a faint smile on her face, Dugu Mingxue shrugged, since that's the case, then they just wait.

(End of this chapter)

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