Chapter 121 She Can't Be Cheap
Di Yuanmo sat on a high place, watching Zimeng with his eyes constantly rolling, as if he was thinking of something.

His expression seemed calm and calm, but the tangle in his eyes was still seen by Leng Nan.

Ever since seeing the scene of Zimeng in Gu Qingli's arms, Di Yuanmo's expression seems to be not quite right all the time, is he jealous?Still angry?
"Leng Nan, I think the master's mind is very disturbed right now?" Yu Zhu approached Leng Nan after looking at Di Yuanmo.

"If you continue to gossip like this, I think it will be your heart that will be messed up next." Leng Nan was helpless, too lazy to look at Yu Zhu's gossiping face.

Yu Zhu turned her head to see Di Yuanmo's very bad face, stuck out her tongue, and didn't dare to say anything.

"Little aunt, do you really want to deal with Dongyanglian?" Bei Liyang turned his head and looked at Zimeng.

"Do you like her?" Zi Meng didn't look back, but asked Bei Liyang softly.

Both Bei Liyang and Bei Liwan were a little stunned, not knowing why Zi Meng would ask such a question, Zi Meng was not in a hurry, and quietly waited for Bei Liyang's answer.

Bei Liyang didn't speak all the time, Bei Liwan couldn't help but reached out and tugged at his sleeve, Bei Liyang turned to look at Bei Liwan, and took a deep breath.

"I don't like her!" Bei Liyang's words made Zimeng's lips curl up.

"Don't forget that since the formation of the four major families, there has been a custom of marriage. I heard that although the Nan Jin family has a daughter, the Nan Jin family has no plans to marry.

As for Dongyang Lian, she has had a crush on you for a long time. If the time comes, people from the Dongyang family will definitely come to discuss the marriage.

In our Beili family, who do you think can marry someone from the Dongyang family? "

Zi Meng looked at Bei Liyang, and Bei Liyang looked at Zi Meng blankly, he had never thought about these things.

He also didn't know at all, since when did Zimeng pay so much attention to the affairs of Beili's family, and even knew about this kind of family marriage.

Moreover, what Zimeng said was right, Nanjin's family had only one daughter, and Nanjin's family cherished her very much, so it was impossible for her to get married for the benefit of the family.

Although the Xicheng family has a girl, she is only 15 years old, not yet an adult. In terms of marriage, the most likely ones are the Beili family and the Dongyang family.

Although there are many people in Dongyang's family, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

The members of Bei Li's family were already withered, Bei Li Wan was not yet an adult, Zi Meng was the master of Qinglong, and he was the only one to marry, so the person who married him could only be Dongyang Lian.

Bei Liyang looked at Zimeng gratefully. It turned out that Zimeng wanted to deal with Dongyanglian not only to vent her personal anger, but also to prevent him from getting involved with Dongyanglian!

"Little aunt, thank you!" For the first time, Bei Liyang called Zi Meng a little aunt from his heart. Even if Zi Meng gave him divine spring water, he didn't want to call a girl younger than him aunt. .

Before calling her little aunt, she was also coerced by Zimeng and his father, but now, he is willing to call her!
"You don't need to thank me, I just don't want your pretty face to take advantage of her for nothing!"

Bei Liyang is very grateful to Zimeng, but what Zimeng said almost made Bei Liyang fall to the ground.

Bei Liyang looked at Zimeng resentfully, wanting Zimeng to return his gratitude just now.

Bei Liwan and Gu Qingli looked at them and couldn't help laughing!

(End of this chapter)

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