Chapter 122

"If people from the Dongyang family want to stop them, I'll even clean up the Dongyang family. Anyway, I've been here for so long and haven't encountered any major problems, but it's very boring."

The faint bloodthirsty smile on the corner of Zimeng's mouth was not seen by other people, they thought Zimeng was just joking.

"However, little aunt, Dongyang Lian has been cultivating for a long time, and her strength is very good, she has already been appointed by the Liuli Sect. Are you really confident that you can beat her?"

Bei Liwan looked at Zimeng very worriedly, Zimeng raised her eyebrows, could all these people not trust her?

Can she beat all these people down?

Zimeng's twitching mouth made Gu Qingli smile in a good mood.

Gu Qingli found that when he was with Zimeng and the others, he could completely open his heart, but in the past, he might just talk more with Bei Liyang, right?

"Zimeng, we're going back, you and Wan'er should find a place to rest for a while." Seeing Tang Jingcheng waving to them, Gu Qingli turned his head, explained a few words to Zimeng, and left.

Bei Liyang looked at Zimeng worriedly, although he was Dongyanglian who didn't want to marry at all, but he didn't want to see anything happen to Zimeng either!

"Little aunt, what are we going to do now?" After Gu Qingli and Bei Liyang left, Bei Liwan looked at Zimeng, who shook her head.

Has she ever participated in this extreme conference, naturally she doesn't know what to do next?
"Wan'er, you should have participated in the Extreme Conference, right? What are we going to do next?" Zi Meng poked Bei Liwan's arm with her elbow.

Bei Liwan thought for a while, looked around, saw the direction Bei Li Xinhong and the others were in, and walked over there.

Although she followed Bei Li Xinhong and the others to participate in two extremely high conferences, but she didn't know what to do next, so she could only bring Zi Meng to Bei Li Xinhong and the others, and let them go to Zi Meng. explained.

"Why are you here now?" Bei Li Xinhong saw Zi Meng and the others, and hurriedly asked someone to make room for them.

"I met some interesting things on the road, so I'm late, father-in-law, what's the situation now?"

Zi Meng looked at Bei Li Xinhong, and Bei Li Xinhong roughly explained to Zi Meng that all the heads had already said what they wanted to say, and the next thing to do was to compete.

"Although the requirement of the martial arts competition is to go to the end, it doesn't mean that no one is behind the scenes. Therefore, Zimeng, you must pay more attention, and don't let anyone hurt you."

Bei Li Xinhong looked at Zi Meng worriedly, in Bei Li Xinhong's eyes, Zi Meng was like a simple child, he was afraid that someone would kill her.

Moreover, if Zimeng is injured, I am afraid Qinglong will come out, but it will definitely cause a sensation.

It's not that Bei Li Xinhong is afraid that others will know that Qinglong's contractor is not from Beili's family, but that it will be bad for Zimeng if someone knows that Qinglong is here with Zimeng.

"Then I really have to be careful!" Zimeng smiled at Beili Xinhong and the others. She likes to play secretly. If someone wants her to play, then she will Don't show mercy.

"Grandpa, you don't have to tell my little aunt about these things. Even if you say it, it's useless, right? She's never afraid of such troubles, is she?"

(End of this chapter)

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