Chapter 1232 Four Great Beasts (1)

Di Yuanmo reached out to touch Zi Meng's eyebrows, and Zi Meng's eyebrows burned his hand immediately.

"Is there any discomfort there?" Although, his hand was burned, Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng indifferently. Now Di Yuanmo is very worried. Zi Meng's body has been in trouble these days. Yuan Mo was worried that something would really go wrong.

"I don't think there's anything wrong there, it should be fine, right?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo timidly, she didn't know what was going on, and, seeing Lucky's sluggish appearance, she definitely didn't know what was going on. what happened.

"Is there really no discomfort there?" Di Yuanmo was still worried.

"Really not." Zi Meng shook her head lightly.

Because of this incident, the two of them had already forgotten about Zimeng's eyes, and they were relieved until Zimeng's temperature between the brows recovered.

"What's going on?" Zi Meng stroked her forehead that had recovered its temperature, and looked at Di Yuanmo puzzled.

Di Yuanmo reached out and stroked Zimeng's eyebrows. Zimeng looked at him, her eyebrows were fine, so they were all relieved!

"By the way, Yuan, what's wrong with my eyes?" Zi Meng suddenly remembered that what Di Yuanmo said about her eyes before seemed to be something wrong.

In the end, she was interrupted by her hot eyebrows, but now she suddenly remembered again.

"Recovery." Di Yuanmo said softly, Zi Meng blinked, jumped off the bed, rushed to the dressing table, and looked at herself in the mirror.

The color of the eyes has indeed recovered, but there seems to be something else.

"Really recovered?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo in disbelief, his eyes were full of excitement, Di Yuanmo nodded slightly.

However, Di Yuanmo was a little surprised. Maybe Zi Meng didn't feel it now, but Di Yuanmo clearly realized that there was a trace of charm in Zi Meng.

The charm that makes people unable to divert their gaze, Di Yuanmo's gaze, on Zimeng's body, cannot be diverted for a while.

"Yuan, what's wrong with you?" Zi Meng didn't hear Di Yuanmo's words, so she turned her head and looked at Di Yuanmo, who reacted abruptly.

"It's okay." Di Yuanmo smiled at Zi Meng, and Zi Meng turned his head puzzled. The fighting outside became louder and louder, and it was impossible for Zi Meng to hear it.

Di Yuanmo naturally heard it too, and he knew what was going on outside, but because Zimeng just woke up, Di Yuanmo didn't want her to suffer.

Moreover, there is still Ziyao Ye outside, so there should be no problem.

"There are still people fighting outside, isn't it?" Zi Meng looked out the window, and Di Yuanmo walked over.

"It should be attracted by the roar of the four great beasts before, and Ziyao Ye is outside." Di Yuanmo gently put his arm around Zi Meng's shoulder, and Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with some puzzlement.

"The roar of the beast?" Zimeng was surprised. Could it be that the roar of the beast she heard in the consciousness space could also be heard outside?

What the hell is going on here?

Zi Meng was puzzled and wanted to ask Di Yuanmo, but she also knew that now was not the time to ask these questions, but to deal with those people outside.

Mo Qiran and the others are all outside, Zi Yaoye alone, no matter how strong he is, he can't deal with so many people!
"Let's go out and have a look first, and we'll talk about other things when we get back." Zi Meng raised her head and smiled at Di Yuanmo, who took her hand and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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