Chapter 1233 Four Great Beasts (2)

Outside, there was already a fight, not only Mo Qiran and the others, but also many people who seemed not weak.

Among these people, Zimeng even saw people from the Ji family and the Chu family. It seems that they came here to wade through the muddy water, and they really didn't give up. They actually thought of using other people's hands to get rid of them. , But, can they get what they want?

"It's really lively!" Zimeng's voice was cold. Although the voice was not very loud, it still attracted the attention of many people.

They couldn't help but stop fighting, looking at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, the corners of Zimeng's mouth rose slightly.

"Although, I don't know what happened, but there are so many people here to join in the fun, even the two heads of the Ji family and the Chu family are here, it seems very interesting, can you bring me along? "

Zi Meng opened her mouth with a smile, and Zi Yaoye's figure lightly landed beside Zi Meng, looking her up and down.

Zimeng stretched out her hand and pushed Ziyaoye away, this guy was never serious, it was too annoying.

"I said, you have become a demon, or what's the matter? You have a little more charm!" Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng indifferently, and he didn't care at all about Zi Meng's dislike.

"What charm?" Zimeng looked at him puzzled.

Why doesn't she know what's changed in herself?Didn't feel it, and Di Yuanmo didn't say anything.

"It's okay, now is not the time to talk about this, let's talk slowly after we get rid of these people first!" Zi Yaoye looked at Zimeng, then turned to look at those people who came looking for trouble, and said lightly.

"Yes, but, what's going on here? There are quite a lot of people here!" Zimeng smiled and looked at those people, and they all looked at her in a daze.

It seems to be attracted by Zimeng, but also seems to be frightened by her and Di Yuanmo's sudden appearance.

"I think the four great beasts must be on her body." The head of the Ji family suddenly reflected, pointing at Zimeng and shouting loudly.

However, Zimeng didn't care about these words, just smiled at the Patriarch of the Ji family, and always felt that this guy was very untrained.

Although Zimeng is still a little concerned about the unfinished martial arts competition of the four major families, but now, it is the Patriarch of the Ji family and the Patriarch of the Chu family who came to the door by themselves. If they are solved here, will the martial arts competition of the four major families be unnecessary? continue?
In this case, they can leave earlier, can't they?
"I don't know. It turns out that there are people like you among the four majestic families? Without evidence, you frame others casually. Are you afraid that our ancient family will occupy the position of your four great families?"

Zi Meng spoke very calmly, but on her smiling face, there was a pair of murderous eyes.

"Hmph, you are so arrogant at such a young age! Those present are seniors with status, how dare you frame them like this." The Patriarch of the Ji family looked at Zi Meng with disdain, and Zi Meng raised her eyebrows.

Want to transfer the flames of war to her?He really plans to, but Zimeng doesn't intend to let him do what he wants.

Now, Zimeng was disturbed just after waking up. She was not in a good mood, so it was good to take this opportunity to let off steam.

What's more, the current Zimeng is not afraid that the four great beasts will really be known, even if someone wants to snatch them, it depends on whether they have the ability!

(End of this chapter)

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