Chapter 1261
"Solve something, you don't have to worry about us, just go to Ren's house." After Qinglong finished speaking, before Zimeng could speak, he left with Baihu. Zimeng blinked her eyes and tilted her head in confusion.

What are the two of them going to solve?It should be fun, right?However, isn't it a bit too uninteresting not to take her to play?
"What are they going to do?" Di Yuanmo pulled Zi Meng to continue walking forward. Zi Meng tilted her head and looked at Di Yuanmo with a cute and cute look, which made the corners of Di Yuanmo's mouth twitch.

Di Yuanmo just laughed and didn't answer Zimeng's question, which made Zimeng a little bored.

Following behind Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng walked and thought, but couldn't figure out what they were going to do.

"Wait, which one of the four big families does the Ji family and the Chu family belong to?" Zi Meng turned to look at Ling Siyun.

"It seems to be the Qinglong family and the Baihu family." Ling Siyun spoke softly after thinking about it.

"I understand." Zi Meng smiled and nodded lightly, Ling Siyun looked at her puzzled, what do you understand?

Zimeng didn't finish her sentence, so Ling Siyun didn't know what was going on.

"Understand what?" Di Yuanmo turned his head and looked at Zi Meng with a smile. Zi Meng imitated his previous appearance and smiled lightly without explaining.

However, she secretly prayed in her heart, hoping that what Qinglong and the others did would not go too far. Even though they had a high status here, Zimeng still didn't want to be too famous.

Otherwise, if you go out in the future, won't you be surrounded by people?

When he arrived at Ren's house, although Ren Peng still wanted to chat with Xuanwu, he also knew that now was the time for Zimeng to treat Ren Yuhao's illness.

"Xuanwu, tell me, should we help?" Suzaku looked at Xuanwu fidgeting, he also wanted to fight, but Qinglong didn't tell him at all just now.

Xuanwu looked at Suzaku, turned his head, and chose to ignore him directly, Suzaku pouted and looked at him dissatisfied.

"Are you going to ignore me?" Suzaku stood in front of Xuanwu, Xuanwu sighed.

"Do you know why Qinglong didn't call you directly, asking you to help?" Xuanwu looked at Suzaku seriously, and Suzaku shook his head slightly.

He didn't know about this question, Qinglong didn't tell him at all, how did he know?

"If you go, you will definitely hurt a lot of people if you move your hands. At that time, Zimeng will be very embarrassed. Do you understand?"

Xuanwu's expression was still very serious, Suzaku blinked and looked at Xuanwu innocently, why did this sound so awkward?
He is also very measured in what he does, isn't he?How can it hurt so many people?At most, it was just killing all members of the Ji family and the Chu family. Who made them dare to attack Zimeng?

"You don't have to be so innocent. I'm telling the truth. We are the ones who know your behavior the most, right?" Xuanwu looked at Suzaku and rolled his eyes.

This is not the first time Suzaku has done this kind of thing, so the few of them are too lazy to talk about him, so they can only let him go every time, but everyone knows that the dissatisfaction in his heart has already overflowed from his heart up.

"What you said made me feel very bad." Suzaku stared at Xuanwu, Xuanwu turned his head and didn't look at him, he really didn't bother to talk to him.

Anyway, right now, Suzaku is in a bad mood and very angry, he can't listen to anyone who says anything, only Zimeng's words are useful to him.

(End of this chapter)

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