Chapter 1262 was pitted

So, if you want Suzaku to calm down completely, let's wait until Zimeng comes out!
However, before Zimeng came out, there was the sound of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking. Suzaku and Xuanwu hurriedly stood up and looked in the direction of the sound.

Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo also rushed out of the room, and looked over with Suzaku and the others.

"What's going on? Such a big movement?" Ren Xiu was puzzled, Ren Peng was puzzled, Zi Meng and Ling Siyun were also puzzled.

"It's the attack of the green dragon and the white tiger." Xuanwu stood beside Di Yuanmo and spoke softly. Di Yuanmo nodded slightly. The aura should be theirs.

Zimeng couldn't help swallowing her saliva, although she knew what Qinglong and Baihu were doing, but wasn't the movement a bit too loud?

If this continues, the entire Zhu Wu Continent will probably be alarmed, right?Was she cheated by these two bastards?

"I feel like I've been tricked. Excuse me, I want to terminate the contract with them now. Is it possible?" Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Di Yuanmo blankly. Di Yuanmo looked back at her helplessly.

It seems impossible to cancel the contract, right?

"It's impossible, cancel the contract? You're dreaming, I'm the first to disagree!" Suzaku didn't give Zimeng a chance to refute, she spoke directly, Zimeng lowered her head a little discouraged.

She couldn't figure it out, why did she have to make a contract with the four great beasts?
If there is no contract, she should not have so many things now, right?

"Actually, it's not a problem to terminate the contract with us, but what about the Shenjing space?" Xuanwu held back the smile on his face and asked Zimeng softly. Neural space is gone.

No, it's not gone, it should be said that it has merged with her sun, moon and star sea.

"If there is no divine crystal space, can't the contract be terminated?" Zimeng's pitiful look made Xuanwu shrug his shoulders.

In this case, what can Zimeng continue to say?Just shut up, can't you?

"Over there, it seems to be the location of the Ji family and the Chu family, right?" Ren Peng looked at the two directions with the most movement, and said in shock, Zi Meng nodded, it was indeed so.

The best places for them to gain prestige are the four major families, and among the four major families, the Ji family and the Chu family are the ones who have enmity with Zimeng. Naturally, Qinglong and Baihu are looking for them.

"It's boring, I'm going to detoxify Ren Yuhao, you can continue to watch." After watching for a while, the movement still didn't decrease, and Zimeng also felt bored, turned around, and walked back to the room.

In fact, Zimeng really wants to play with Qinglong and the others now, but it seems that there are some difficulties. If she goes, many people will know that she planned this matter.

However, she was absolutely wronged, this matter has nothing to do with her, Qinglong and Baihu decided on their own.

Therefore, it is better for her to treat Ren Yuhao honestly.

Di Yuanmo looked in the direction of the Ji family and the Chu family, and then walked in with Zi Meng.

"You understand what you said, is that what you mean?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's busy figure and spoke softly. Zi Meng stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Di Yuanmo.

"Yeah, but I didn't expect it to be so lively. To be honest, I really want to go and see it." Zimeng sighed helplessly, feeling very sorry, Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand and rubbed her head in a funny way .

(End of this chapter)

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