Chapter 1290 Trouble (8)

Just now, Zimeng didn't notice, but others did notice that Di Yuanmo killed people without mercy, and after killing people, he didn't even have a trace of blood on his body.

That completely calm look is really scary enough.

"Me and I want to solve it quickly, but this old man has been hiding, what can I do? I'm hungry too." Hearing Di Yuanmo's words, Zi Meng stood on the vine, lowered her head, He looked innocently at Di Yuanmo, who was with the old god below.

Diyuan Mo smiled, and everyone around couldn't help but shudder. This man is really terrifying. He was still killing people just now, but now he can show such a gentle look.

How can it not be scary?

There is also Di Yuanmo's smile and gentleness, which seems to only be there when facing Zimeng, and at other times, Di Yuanmo's face is icy cold.

"Hey, I said, can you have a good fight with me? I'm going to finish eating quickly. Now, so many people are coming to trouble me. After that, there may not be many people coming to trouble me. I don’t want to fight with people on an empty stomach.”

The vines brought Zi Meng down from the sky, and the vine whip in Zi Meng's hand also turned into light spots and gradually disappeared.

Zi Meng looked at the old man seriously, and Chu Xia's face gradually turned purple, and she would die of poison in a short time.

However, the old man at this time was very angry because of what Zimeng said before, and he didn't notice Chu Xia's situation at all.

Because Chu Xia was too excited just now, the toxins in her body spread quickly. At this time, she didn't even have the strength to shout for help.

"I said, don't you have a few words with your precious apprentice? I think you should say goodbye. I'm a very talkative person, and I will give you time as a master and apprentice."

After Zi Meng looked at Chu Xia, she stopped her next attack and spoke calmly.

At this moment, the old man came to his senses, and when he turned his head to look at Chu Xia, Chu Xia lowered her head weakly, and then rushed to Chu Xia's side in a hurry.

"Xia'er? How are you?" The old man looked at Chu Xia anxiously, but Chu Xia looked up at him with difficulty, and then her head drooped feebly.

He looked at Chu Xia who was not moving, and the murderous aura burst out from her body. Zimeng shrugged. In this way, we can have a good fight, right?
Although Zimeng stood there motionless, her body was already covered by a layer of green light, and at the same time, her eyes were also glowing red.

Di Yuanmo, who was on the side, stood up excitedly when he saw this scene, but he was relieved to see Zimeng's unchanged expression.

He thought that Zi Meng would become murderous, but seeing that Zi Meng hadn't changed, he sat down again.

The moment the angry old man rushed over, Zi Meng's figure also moved, and the speed was very fast, and he appeared behind him in just an instant.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a vine suddenly appeared and pulled towards the old man, but the old man's strength was not strong enough, so he dodged and dodged, leaving a ditch on the ground.

Seeing that it wasn't hit on anyone, Zimeng pouted in dissatisfaction. It didn't hit anyone, which made her feel very bad.

Immediately afterwards, the red light in Zi Meng's eyes deepened, and her figure became faster. The fireball that the old man hit her was easily dodged by Zi Meng.

(End of this chapter)

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