Chapter 1291 Trouble (9)

Turning around, Zi Meng kicked the old man, but the old man raised his hand to block Zi Meng's attack, and Zi Meng just kicked her arm.

Zimeng frowned, and was about to withdraw her leg, but the old man suddenly grabbed Zimeng's leg, and a flame ignited in his hand, ready to burn Zimeng.

Seeing this scene, Di Yuanmo held hands tightly together, but he didn't get up to help Zimeng, he believed that Zimeng could solve this matter.

However, seeing that Zimeng might be injured, he was still a little nervous.

As a result, a layer of frost appeared on Zimeng's legs, and the old man threw Zimeng out immediately after feeling the biting chill.

Several vines grew rapidly and caught Zimeng who flew out. Zimeng hung upside down on the vines, tilting her head to look at the complacent old man.

"Both fire and earth? Are there other magics? I really want to see them." Zimeng stood firmly on the ground, looking at the old man with great interest.

The old man frowned when he saw Zimeng's calm look. Looking at Zimeng's look, it proved that she still had a lot of hole cards to show, otherwise, she couldn't be so calm, couldn't she?
"Who the hell are you?" The old man looked at Zi Meng seriously, and Zi Meng shrugged.

This problem is very serious. She has many identities. I don't know which identities this old man wants to know.

But, no matter what kind of identity it is, she doesn't want to tell him, okay?
"Does it have something to do with you?" Zimeng looked at him innocently, making him a little angry.

However, think about it, they are dueling now, and he asked about his identity, how could he tell him?
"I think, let's hurry up. Look, there are so many people waiting to trouble me, aren't they?" Zi Meng looked around at the people who hadn't had time to leave, and was speechless at the The old man smiled.

This time, what appeared in Zimeng's hands was no longer a rattan whip, but a sword with green light, which she learned from Qinglong.

Zi Meng didn't give him a chance to speak, and rushed over. Although the old man dodged quickly, his body was still injured by the sword energy, and a deep gully was left on the ground.

The ravine was much deeper than the ravine created by the rattan whip before.

Moreover, Zimeng's attack speed was getting faster and faster, the old man had no time to attack, so he had to dodge.

Zimeng's previous attack destroyed the vines she had left on the ground. The old man took this opportunity to start his earth attack, but every time his attack just started, he would be tightly entangled by the vines , making his attacks powerless.

However, Zi Meng's movements did not change. When he lowered his head, he saw that the ground was centered on Zi Meng's feet, emitting green light all the way out. These vines were controlled by those lights.

"I think you should have heard of the power of the earth. Unfortunately, I happen to have it." With a faint smile on her face, Zi Meng walked towards him step by step.

At the same time, with a violent wave of her hand, Chu Xia, who had been bound all this time, was thrown out by her. Here, she was only in the way. Since she was dead, she could leave it aside.

Then, as Zimeng walked forward step by step, the big trees around him began to grow, and the speed of growth was very fast. Those who watched the excitement here also watched this scene, and all started to retreat involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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