Chapter 1292 Trouble (10)

They have never seen such an ability, they don't know, who else can make the surrounding trees grow wildly by just walking a few steps.

At the same time, the things that shocked them were far from over. Although the surrounding plants were growing, Zimeng's feet began to freeze.

While full of vitality, it was also very cold, which made them completely unable to understand how Zimeng did all of this. For them, it was too terrifying and impossible for them to be able to achieve this step.

In their cognition, it seems that no one can release two kinds of magic at the same time, but now, this possibility is in front of their eyes, they can't help but not believe it!
"What's going on here? Who are they?" They all looked at Zimeng in surprise, but Zimeng was completely unmoved and walked faster and faster.

Before the old man rushed in front of her, Zi Meng's attack arrived first, and the attack hit him hard, making him helpless to fight back. Zi Meng's attack mercilessly sent him flying.

Just when the old man was surprised when Zimeng's attack started, Zimeng had already followed his flying figure.

Before he could react, Zimeng had already shot again. The old man's flying body stopped, and then, it hit the ground hard. Zimeng slowly landed in front of him, watching him lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment The appearance is indifferent.

"To be honest, I'm a doctor and I never like to kill people, but I will never be soft on those who come to trouble me and want to kill me. Even if you are for the elderly, I will never be soft. "

As Zimeng said, he continued to attack. Although the old man dodged at first, but after that, Zimeng had to beat him.

Fighting against Zimeng, the aura was consumed too quickly, and Zimeng's aura seemed to be inexhaustible.

"Don't..." The old man was beaten miserably, knowing that he was not Zi Meng's opponent, he began to beg for mercy, but Zi Meng knew that this person wanted to kill him, so how could he let him go?
Zi Meng pretended not to hear his begging for mercy!The attack was still going on, everyone was frightened by Zimeng's attack, they didn't dare to step forward, they could only watch him being beaten.

The cane whip and the ice blade kept attacking, leaving streaks of attack on the old man's body.

Soon, Zimeng stopped attacking, but the old man was already dying.

Zi Meng turned around indifferently, and walked to Di Yuanmo's side. Di Yuanmo took out the wet silk scarf and gently wiped Zi Meng's hands.

Everyone thought that Zi Meng would just let the old man go, but the old man's body gradually stiffened, and his face had already turned blue.

At this time, they realized that Zi Meng had already poisoned him before he knew when, and the reason why he kept attacking was probably just to vent.

"Thank you." Di Yuanmo said softly. Zi Meng just smiled and didn't say much. Sitting down beside Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng glanced at the other people, who all avoided her. I didn't dare to look directly at Zimeng.

"If you want to continue, I don't mind, my aura should still be able to handle you."

Although Zimeng sat there very leisurely, her gaze was still a little cold, and the red light in her eyes still did not disappear.

However, she was not out of control, so Di Yuanmo was not worried.

(End of this chapter)

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