Chapter 1307 I'm Just Trying To Die
However, they also didn't understand, what did Zimeng mean that the four great beasts were not on her body now?Shouldn't the four great beasts follow their masters one by one?
Why are they not by Zimeng's side now?
"If you don't hand over the four great beasts, we will have to do it. At that time, don't say that we bully the few with more!" They looked at Zimeng, ready to do it directly!
"I've already said that they're not on me, but if you guys must fight me, I don't mind moving around." Zi Meng's hand moved slightly, ready to have a good fight with them Prepare.

Even if the four great beasts are not around, Zimeng will not let this group get any advantage from her, and she will not let anyone who wants to get the four great beasts!

They saw that Zimeng was really going to fight them, so they all got ready to fight.

Gu Fanjing and Yin Chenxi watched so many people deal with Zimeng alone, they immediately stood by Zimeng's side, ready to fight with Zimeng.

They believed in Zi Meng's ability, but in front of so many people, Zi Meng still did not have the upper hand.

"The two of you don't participate, and don't get close, otherwise, I will have a bad conscience if I hurt you by mistake in a while." Zi Meng turned to look at them, smiled faintly, and the two of them looked at Zi Meng puzzled.

Zimeng's self-confidence is a good thing, but is it really all right?
"Don't worry, I'm still a little bit sure about dealing with these people." Zi Meng smiled at them, her hand was already in her waist pocket.

At this moment, a flame suddenly fell from the sky, forming a ring of fire, wrapping the group of people who were going to attack Zi Meng in the flames, Zi Meng stretched out her hand to resist in front of her eyes, trying to dissipate the oncoming heat.

But soon, she put down her hands, because she found that these flames were not really hot, and even warm and familiar.

"Suzaku?" She even felt the breath of Suzaku from the flames. Zi Meng suddenly raised her head and looked at the sky. Suzaku waved its wings and took the shape of a human in the air, and then landed in front of Zi Meng very gracefully.

Suzaku stood there, looking at the group of people indifferently, the flame she just released showed no sign of weakening.

"Suzaku, why are you here? Why are you alone? What about Qinglong and the others? Didn't they come back?" Zi Meng looked at Suzaku's figure in disbelief. Suzaku turned her head and smiled at Zimeng.

"I was going to look for you, and I happened to pass by here, and then, I sensed your breath, so I came to have a look." Suzaku turned around, looked at the group of people wrapped in flames, and his expression suddenly turned cold.

He is in a very bad mood now. When he came to Zimeng, he saw someone bullying Zimeng.

Before, when someone bullied Zimeng, it didn't matter if he wasn't there, but now, since he met these people, there was only one dead end.

"I'll talk about these things later, after I get rid of these people first." Suzaku said, and with a light wave of his hands, the flames surrounded his hands, and the flames spread to Suzaku's whole body sequentially, enveloping Suzaku. in.

Those who came to trouble Zimeng, seeing Suzaku being wrapped in flames at this time, could feel Suzaku's anger. Suddenly, they all began to regret that they came to trouble Zimeng.

(End of this chapter)

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