Chapter 1308
They just wanted to snatch the four great beasts, but they subconsciously forgot that the fighting power of the four great beasts was beyond their reach.

The moment they saw Suzaku attacking, they already knew that it was impossible for them to get the four great beasts, but now, it seemed to be too late.

Because of their provocation against Zimeng, Suzaku was already very angry, and it was impossible for him to let them go.

Zimeng stood behind Suzaku, watching Suzaku quietly.

"Master Suzaku, we were wrong, we shouldn't overreach, please let us go." Before Suzaku was ready to attack, they begged for mercy.

"Let you go? If I hadn't appeared suddenly, would you have let her go?" Suzaku's expression was stern, and they were speechless for a single question.

If it wasn't for Suzaku's sudden appearance, they would definitely fight Zimeng.

Suzaku stopped talking nonsense to them, and the flames came overwhelmingly, covering them directly.

The screams and wailing pierced into Zimeng's ears, and Zimeng closed her eyes involuntarily.

Yin Chenxi and the others also turned their heads away from this scene.

Although they were also frequent murderers, seeing Suzaku burn people to death just like that was a bit unbearable.

However, they also knew that if these people hadn't come to trouble Zimeng, Suzaku would not have bothered with them.

Watching the flames decrease little by little, there are no living people there, and everyone is like coke.

Zi Meng couldn't help sighing, and looked at Suzaku, but Suzaku's gaze seemed to be attracted by something in the corpse.

Slightly stunned, Suzaku walked over slowly, and Zi Meng followed Suzaku to look.

I saw a Warcraft egg that could be said to have been burned to charcoal.

Although this child has not yet been born, but after being burned by Suzaku like this, he probably won't be able to live anymore, right?
"..." Zimeng was about to comfort Suzaku when she saw the monster egg she thought was dead move slightly.

Suzaku seemed to be frightened too, so he stopped there and looked at it with his head tilted.

Zimeng quickly walked over to Suzaku, squatted down, stretched out her finger, and poked it lightly, the layer of black charcoal fell off little by little, revealing the fiery red eggshell inside.

The monster egg moved again, and a few cracks appeared soon, Zimeng blinked, is this about to be born?

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Zimeng was about to get up and leave, but she remembered that birds have a fledgling mentality, and she didn't want to be entangled by such a small thing.

However, before Zimeng got up, a pair of small blood-red eyes appeared from the crack that grew bigger and bigger, staring straight at Zimeng.

The corners of Zimeng's mouth couldn't help but twitch, isn't this a bit too much?

Not only Zimeng, but even Suzaku couldn't help but twitched his lips when he saw this scene. He is Suzaku and a bird, so of course he knows what it means.

This shows that in the future, someone will compete with Zimeng again.

Originally, there were already so many people around Zimeng, and now there is one more, how can this work?

Without hesitation, in front of Zimeng, Suzaku kicked the monster egg with two small eyes out.

Zimeng was stunned, Yin Chenxi was stunned, and Gu Fanjing was stunned. They didn't expect Suzaku to attack suddenly.

oh!wrong!It was a sudden movement of feet.

"Well, Suzaku, can you explain what you mean by that sudden movement just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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