Chapter 1309 Throw him away
Zimeng got up, and didn't care if they were in the middle of a pile of corpses, and looked at Suzaku helplessly.

Suzaku turned her head, pouted and didn't look at Zimeng, as if sulking.

Zimeng's eyebrows twitched, he was angry?She should be the one who should be angry now, right?
She really wanted to know, why did Suzaku suddenly knock out that little thing?Although Suzaku may not like him, but he is still a newborn child, should he be so ruthless?

"Suzaku..." Zimeng was helpless, Suzaku seemed a little wronged, and Zimeng didn't want to continue talking about him.

There was a rattling sound, and Zimeng turned her head, only to see a chicken with red fluff all over her body... the chicken ran over with a piece of red eggshell in its mouth, and then, at Zimeng's feet, three Swallow the eggshell into the stomach.

Immediately afterwards, he bit Zimeng's clothes with his small mouth, quickly climbed onto Zimeng's head, and then lay down comfortably, as if he had found his own nest.

Zi Meng couldn't see him, so she could only twitch her mouth helplessly, what evil did she do?
Seeing this scene, Yin Chenxi and Gu Fanjing covered their mouths and secretly laughed.

It's so funny that Zimeng is like this.

The corners of Suzaku's eyes twitched fiercely, looking fiercely at the little brat lying on Zimeng's head.

The little thing seemed to feel the danger, and burrowed into Zimeng's hair again.

Zimeng had no choice but to reach out to take him off her head and hold it in her palm.

"Little thing, no matter who you are, I warn you, if you dare to lie on my head again, I will definitely fry you."

Zimeng's eyes warned him dangerously, and he shrank into a ball obediently in Zimeng's palm in fright.

Then Zimeng withdrew her dangerous gaze.

"By the way, what the hell is this?" Zi Meng looked at the little boy in her hand.

"I think it's a phoenix." Gu Fanjing got close to Zimeng and succeeded. After studying it carefully, he looked up at Zimeng and spoke softly.

"Feng?" Zi Meng blinked in confusion.

"But why were you born at this time?" Zimeng was still puzzled, Gu Fanjing and Yin Chenxi shook their heads, they didn't know what was going on.

However, it should be related to the Suzaku fire, right?

Judging by his coat color, he was already a fire-type phoenix, and then hatched after being burned by Suzaku's fire.

This should be the most reliable explanation now, right?However, they dare not say it!
Now, Suzaku's face has turned dark, if they continue talking, they are afraid that Suzaku will be angered, right?
"However, no matter what, it was born safely, wasn't it?" Zimeng thought for a while, then smiled, and the others nodded. Now, it's true.

However, he is so attached to Zimeng, does Zimeng want him by his side?

"You can throw him away." Suzaku said, stretching out his hand to grab the little thing, but the little thing seemed to sense the danger of Suzaku, and slipped into Zimeng's sleeve in no time.

The angry Suzaku gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't go through Zimeng's clothes, could he?
"Okay, Suzaku. He's still a child, so don't worry about it with a child, okay?" Zimeng looked helplessly at Suzaku, who was furious, while protecting her sleeves.

That vigilant look, as if Suzaku would definitely find him out and throw him out.

(End of this chapter)

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