Chapter 1311 Women's Nature

For Suzaku's roar, Zi Meng just blinked innocently.

Seeing Zimeng pretending to be innocent, Suzaku was so angry that she wanted to pinch the little Huofeng on her shoulder to death.

"Let's talk about it first, if I'm just showing you, I won't care after that!" Suzaku crossed her arms proudly and looked at Zimeng very seriously, but Zimeng had already turned her head and chose to ignore him.

"Chenxi, next, let's go separately." Zimeng looked at Yin Chenxi and said softly.

"Why do we have to leave separately? Isn't it good for us to be together?" Yin Chenxi looked at Zimeng with some puzzlement.

It's been fine before, why did you suddenly say that you want to separate and leave?
"I..." Zimeng looked at them with some embarrassment.

"We have already agreed that we want to be with you, so no matter what the reason is, I will not separate from you, and neither will Chenxi, so just give up."

Gu Fanjing watched Zimeng finish speaking seriously, then pulled Yin Chenxi past Zimeng and continued to walk forward.

Zimeng stood where she was, turned to look at them, and blinked her eyes in confusion. When did this guy become so domineering?

"Zimeng, what are you looking at?" Seeing Zimeng's ignorance, Suzaku reached out and turned Zimeng's face to her.

"Don't you think there is something wrong between the two of them? I never knew they were so close."

Zimeng looked at Suzaku suspiciously, Suzaku turned to look at Gu Fanjing and the others, and then at Zimeng.

"I don't know. When did you gossip like this? You want to ask about the situation because they have a good relationship."

Suzaku shrugged, expressing her helplessness towards Zimeng's gossip.

"What do you know? This is a woman's nature. Forget it, it's useless to tell you. You are not a woman."

Zimeng rolled her eyes when she arrived, and shrugged like Suzaku, Suzaku looked at Zimeng speechlessly.

He wasn't a woman in the first place, okay?

Ah, no!

In fact, sometimes, Suzaku doesn't even know what he should be.

Wait, is this the time to think about it?no?

The important things were forgotten, why was he led astray by Zimeng?

"Oh, I forgot about the business." Suzaku patted his forehead.

"What's the matter?"

"Your man was taken away." Suzaku looked at Zimeng seriously, but Zimeng's expression did not change much. She had already thought of this. If he hadn't been arrested, how could he not have found him? she?

"You know?" Suzaku looked at Zimeng's expression, and said cautiously.

"Well, I probably thought of it. If nothing happened to him, it's impossible not to come back. He knows that I'm waiting for him."

Zimeng smiled at him, just.That smile was a little weak, and Suzaku felt a little distressed seeing her now.

"By the way, what's the matter with you, there's been no news for so long, is something wrong?"

Zimeng quickly adjusted her mood and looked at Suzaku. Suzaku rubbed her nose lightly, not knowing how to explain to Zimeng.

"What's wrong?" Zimeng looked at Suzaku puzzled, why did she look embarrassed?

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just that we were fooled and were lured away on purpose, but now it's all right, we have already solved it.

Now, Qinglong and the others are looking for your man's whereabouts, let me come back and tell you, and take you to find them by the way, so that you won't worry. "

(End of this chapter)

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