Chapter 1312 The state is normal

Although Suzaku was embarrassed, he also knew that Zimeng couldn't hide anything now, otherwise, Zimeng would be very angry.

So, anyway, he made it clear.

No matter how he looked at him, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but he couldn't figure out who it was that tried his best to lure him away, and why?
Everyone knows what the four great beasts mean to her, but why is she taking the risk to lure the four great beasts away?No matter what she thought, Zi Meng couldn't figure it out.

"So, Qinglong and the others, or Yuan, are all safe, aren't they?" Zimeng looked at Suzaku and thought for a while, then spoke lightly, Qinglong nodded slightly, agreeing with Zimeng's statement.

It's just that he came out to look for Zimeng, and he didn't know what happened to Qinglong and the others.

However, Qinglong didn't say much now, because no matter what he said, it might make Zimeng's mood that had just recovered a little bit dark again.

"As long as they are fine, then I don't have to worry about it." Zimeng heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Suzaku and smiled, and Suzaku also smiled.

"Okay, I've decided, Suzaku, let's find them in the direction you came from. We don't need to be so anxious along the way." Zimeng watched Suzaku speak, Suzaku nodded, and then she looked at Yin Yin Chen Xi and Gu Fanjing.

"We don't have any objections, as long as you don't tell us to leave. Anyway, we also want to practice, so we can go anywhere." Gu Fanjing looked at Zimeng and shrugged indifferently.

Now, no matter what, as long as Zimeng doesn't drive them back, it's fine, otherwise, if something happens to Zimeng, I'm afraid, they won't be able to explain it to others!
"Okay, since that's the case, let's go!" Zi Meng raised her fist excitedly, before Yin Chenxi could speak to Gu Fanjing, Zi Meng ran out first.

Seeing Zimeng like this, Suzaku looked at Zimeng's figure helplessly, just knowing that Qinglong and Di Yuanmo are fine, so excited, is it really okay?

"Well, is she okay? She's been gloomy all this way, why is she so excited all of a sudden? It feels like she's completely different, is she really okay?" Yin Chenxi was very puzzled, She really couldn't figure it out, Zimeng's change was really too fast.

"It's okay, just get used to it. Her current state is very normal, and it's very normal. She just knows the person he cares about now, and there is nothing wrong with it." Although Suzaku was helpless, he was still very responsible. explained it to them.

Yin Chenxi and Gu Fanjing looked at each other, neither knowing how to explain Zi Meng's attitude.

It's just that you're so happy knowing that people are fine?As for this?
"However, seeing her like this, we seem to be in a much better mood, let's go, let's follow, otherwise, who knows what this girl is thinking of?" Gu Fanjing looked at Yin Chenxi helplessly , Yin Chenxi nodded, and followed Gu Fanjing to find Zimeng.

Zimeng, who had been walking for a while, suddenly turned around and walked in front of Yin Chenxi, reaching out to hook Yin Chenxi's shoulder.

"By the way, I see that the relationship between the two of you seems to be much better than before. How is it? Is there something good? Tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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