Chapter 1327 Sister-in-law
Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng, her tone became lower and lower, Zimeng just smiled, as long as she knew that Di Yuanmo was fine, she didn't care about other things.

"Would you blame me for keeping it from you?" Di Xueyuan carefully looked up at Zimeng, she really hoped that Zimeng would not blame her, because now, she finally accepted Zimeng.

However, if Zimeng wants to blame her, she can't do anything about it. It's really her fault, isn't it?

"I won't blame you. As long as I know Yuan is fine, I can rest assured. Before, you blamed yourself all the time, and it was because of this, right? Because you kept hiding it from me, so you blamed yourself?"

Zimeng looked at Di Xueyuan with a smile, and Di Xueyuan nodded embarrassedly. It was true that she blamed herself all the time because of this incident, but how could Zimeng not blame her?
If it was her, she would be very angry if someone hid such an important matter from her!

"Why did these people arrest you? I heard they called you Miss." Gu Fanjing looked at the corpses on the ground, and then said softly.

"To be honest, since I was a child, I seldom go out. It's not that I don't want to go out, but that I'm not allowed. Even if I go out, many people will follow.

Some time ago, I heard that one of my elder brothers who had been exiled since he was a child came back, but he was locked up, so I secretly went to see him.

To be honest, at the beginning, it was quite a shock. No matter what I said, it seemed that there was no way to arouse his interest. Later, when I mentioned you, he opened his mouth to talk to me. He said, you will definitely go to him, so, I decided to sneak out to find you and tell you that he is fine now, and you will know the next thing. "

Di Xueyuan lowered her head and spoke slowly, while Zimeng listened quietly without disturbing her, but there was already a happy smile on her face.

Di Yuanmo was thinking about her, why didn't she miss Di Yuanmo?

However, it's all right now, and soon, they will be able to meet.

"Sister-in-law, they are here to arrest me. If I don't go back, more people will come to make trouble, so I have to go back." Di Xueyuan got up and looked at Zimeng very seriously.

"Go back? No, have you ever thought about what your father will do to you after you go back?" Zi Meng didn't want Di Xueyuan to go back. Before, maybe she wouldn't care, but now it's different.

Now, Zi Meng knew that Di Xueyuan was Di Yuanmo's younger sister, and that the reason why she came out was for her and Di Yuanmo, even if she went back, her father would not let her go easily.

"However, if I don't go back, the people who come next time will be much stronger than this time. I know my father's methods very well. He will never stop until he achieves his goal." Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng anxiously , Zimeng was in a dilemma, she didn't know if it was right or wrong to let Di Xueyuan go back.

But she knew that if Di Xueyuan went back, she would lose her freedom.

"Besides, I have to go back and tell my brother about your situation, otherwise, he will be very anxious. Besides, I'm still useful to my father, and he won't do anything to me. Trust me, sister-in-law."

If in the past, Di Xueyuan didn't want to be called Zimeng's sister-in-law, now, she is absolutely willing.

Moreover, Di Xueyuan only recognizes Zimeng as her sister-in-law in getting along these days, and no one else can compare with Zimeng.

She also knew that no matter who it was, it was impossible to replace Zi Meng's position in Di Yuanmo's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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