Chapter 1328

"I believe you, but I don't believe your father, I don't believe that father can send heavy troops to bring his daughter home." Zi Meng looked at Di Xueyuan and shook her head.

She really didn't believe that Di Xueyuan's so-called father would really let Di Xueyuan go, and sent so many people just to let her go home. What would happen if she went back?
"Sister-in-law..." Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng, she didn't expect Zimeng to think so much.

Indeed, after going back, I'm afraid that it will be difficult for her to go out forever, and it is more likely that her father will marry her off as soon as possible.

However, if she doesn't go back, Di Yuanmo won't know Zi Meng's whereabouts or Zi Meng's situation.

In fact, she has an older brother above Di Yuanmo, but she has never had much entanglement with that elder brother, because her elder brother is the same as her father, always only thinking of her own interests, Will not care about others.

In her elder brother's eyes, Di Xueyuan is just a future marriage to consolidate his existence.

Therefore, the relationship between her and her elder brother is not good, but Di Yuanmo is different. Although she and Di Yuanmo have not been together for a long time, she can tell that Di Yuanmo is definitely not like this people.

And Zimeng, in order to save her, Zimeng was able to personally suck out the toxin from her wound. This action made Zimeng poisoned herself and put it on her father and elder brother. They would only watch her die. He will definitely not save her like Zimeng.

Feeling the long-lost family affection, it is even more impossible for Di Xueyuan to let the two of them have an accident.

"I think, if you go back, he will marry you immediately, right?" Zi Meng looked at Di Xueyuan very seriously, Di Xueyuan lowered her head and did not speak.

What Zimeng said is right, what can she say?Talking too much, it's just a cover-up, who let her have such a father?
"Isn't it? Aren't you his biological daughter? How could she let your family go without your consent?" Yin Chenxi felt incredible and looked at Di Xueyuan in a daze.

Di Xueyuan looked at them with a wry smile.

"Before I heard those guards say that her father is the emperor. It is conceivable that the status must be very high. Some people, in their position, will be very greedy and want to take everything into their own hands. Now, if Xueyuan doesn't listen to him, he will marry Xueyuan as soon as possible to find some power for himself."

Zimeng said softly, as long as the status reaches a certain level, I am afraid that many people will be like this, so what about her own children?As long as it can bring him benefits, it doesn't matter what.

"Xue Yuan, is this true?" Yin Chenxi still didn't believe Zi Meng's explanation. How could there be such a father?

As the saying goes, tiger poison doesn't eat its children, so how can you send your daughter out for your own benefit?

"I think it's almost like this. I was born to marry other families for their power. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't born in such a family."

Di Xueyuan sat there quietly, speaking slowly, but it seemed that she was talking about other people's affairs, not her own.

Seeing Di Xueyuan like this, Zimeng felt distressed, and at the same time, she made up her mind that this time, she not only wanted to bring Di Yuanmo out, but she must also bring Di Xueyuan out of such a family so that the Di Xueyuan lives the life she wants to live.

(End of this chapter)

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