Chapter 1329 To achieve the goal by any means
"Xueyuan, don't worry, I will definitely bring you out. When the time comes, you will come with us. There are many places to live, and you can live wherever you want." Zimeng looked at Di Xueyuan seriously, Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng with red eyes.

Zimeng smiled, she has the Beili Family, the National Teacher's Mansion, and the Liuli School, no matter where it is, it is still possible to place a Di Xueyuan.

"If they will force you to marry another man when you go home, then what are they going to do by taking Zimeng's man back?" Gu Fanjing, who had been quiet all this time, looked at the three women and spoke softly. Turned to look at him.

He blinked, then shrugged again to make sure he had asked the right question.

"..." Zimeng didn't speak, but just looked at Di Xueyuan. Di Xueyuan should be clear about this matter, right?
Involuntarily, Di Xueyuan lowered her head again. It's really difficult for her to explain this to Zimeng. Zimeng would be very angry if she said it, wouldn't she?

"Isn't it true that the purpose of Yuan being brought back is to make a marriage?" Zi Meng looked at Di Xueyuan with a sneer on her lips, and Di Xueyuan nodded slightly.

"Isn't it?" Yin Chenxi looked at Zimeng, and a dangerous light flashed in Zimeng's eyes.

Unexpectedly, the head of her majestic Liuli Sect would have such a day that her man would be forced to marry her. It was really a big joke.

"Sister-in-law... sister-in-law..." Feeling the sudden murderous aura emanating from Zimeng, Di Xueyuan was a little frightened.

Zimeng slowly withdrew her murderous aura, turned her head, and looked at Di Xueyuan with a smile. Di Xueyuan breathed a sigh of relief, but still looked at Zimeng with some worry.

"It's okay, it's just that I'm getting more and more interested in your father. When we meet, I must have a good chat with him." The smile on Zi Meng's face made Di Xueyuan and the others a little apprehensive.

Zimeng said that she wanted to have a good chat, but in the end, it was definitely not the case. Zimeng wanted to kill him now, so how could she have a good chat with him?

To be honest, Zimeng is really in a bad mood right now, how could she let Di Zhitian get his wish?

Leaving aside whether Di Yuanmo would agree to marry, Di Yuanmo is her husband, and it is absolutely impossible for her to let him marry another woman, absolutely not!
"Sister-in-law, I know, you are very angry now, don't worry, my brother has never agreed to marry other women, so, he has been sealed from the whole body, and now he is locked up." Di Xueyuan comforted in a low voice Zimeng, Zimeng nodded slightly, of course she knew that Di Yuanmo would never marry another woman.

No wonder, Di Yuanmo didn't come back to look for her, it turned out that his cultivation was sealed.

"But, sister-in-law, you don't know my father. He is the kind of person who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals. I'm afraid he will find other ways to force him to agree. So, now, I must go back quickly and tell him your Whereabouts, so that he can feel at ease."

Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng very seriously, Zimeng didn't speak, got up, walked back and forth in front of them, several people didn't speak, just looked at her.

They also hope that Zimeng can think of a good way to solve everything at once, so as to save a lot of trouble.

However, Zimeng walked around for a long time, but couldn't think of a better way.

Suzaku went to look for the other four great beasts, but up to now, they have not come back. Now, if she goes to trouble Di Zhitian, she probably won't get any benefit.

(End of this chapter)

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