Chapter 1330 The Time Is Not Right
But, since she already knew about Di Yuanmo's situation, how could she not rescue him?
As the national teacher of Xuexiang Kingdom, Di Yuanmo has always been proud, but now that he has been sealed up and locked up, he must be feeling very depressed.

"I'm going to save him. He must be very anxious now." Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Di Xueyuan and Yin Chenxi.

Yin Chenxi and Gu Fanjing have no objection. Although they said they came out to practice, they have always been with Zimeng. Therefore, if Zimeng has anything to do, they are willing to go with Zimeng.

Zimeng was going to save people, so they naturally had to contribute.

Although, they can definitely help a lot, but it is still possible to stop some shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

"No, you can't go now." They had no objection, but Di Xueyuan disagreed, and directly stopped Zimeng's idea of ​​saving people.

"Why?" Yin Chenxi looked at Di Xueyuan.

"Now, you just know that he will be locked up soon, but you don't know the specific situation over there. If you go there, you may not be able to rescue him." Di Xueyuan looked at Zi Meng anxiously, Zi Meng Frowning, there is nothing wrong with saying that.


"Yuan has always been very proud. Now, not only is he forced to marry, he is also confiscated, and he doesn't have the slightest freedom. How can he bear it?" Zi Meng felt very heartbroken when she thought of Di Yuanmo's current situation. He just wanted to rescue Di Yuanmo immediately.

"I know you are anxious, but, sister-in-law, you have to think about the current situation. Those soldiers who escaped before will definitely tell my father about you after they go back. My father will definitely take precautions. As long as you go, You will definitely fall into his trap."

Di Xueyuan pulled Zimeng to sit down, and patiently explained to Zimeng, Zimeng lowered her head and thought about it, it was true, but she had to go to Di Yuanmo.

Now, Di Yuanmo must be anxiously waiting for her.

They haven't seen each other for so many days, and Zimeng really misses him, never before, but, now, the situation is special, she didn't show it.

"So, I think what she said makes sense. It's not the best time to save people now. We need to discuss it carefully." Gu Fanjing thought for a while, sat down, and was as serious as Di Xueyuan. Looking at Zimeng.

Zi Meng propped her chin with her hands, frowning and began to think, she also knew that what Di Xueyuan said was right, but now she was more worried about Di Yuanmo.

"Zimeng, otherwise, let's wait for Suzaku and the others to come back. With them here, even if we go to save your man now, we have a chance of winning, don't we?" Yin Chenxi looked at Gu Fanjing and whispered to Zimeng. Open your mouth.

Zimeng looked at them and rolled her eyes, is this a husband and wife singing?Is it really okay to show affection in front of her who is going to save her husband?
"Suzaku?" Di Xueyuan looked at them puzzled.

"Well, it's the person who was with us all the time. He is Suzaku, one of the four great beasts. Now I'm going to find the other three of the four great beasts." Zi Meng already knew Di Xueyuan's identity, so naturally , and will no longer hide anything from Di Xueyuan.

Therefore, she lightly revealed the identities of Suzaku and the others. Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng in surprise. She did not expect that there were four great beasts on Zimeng's body. In this way, it would be too much to rescue Di Yuanmo One layer of grasp.

(End of this chapter)

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