Chapter 1334

The three of them packed up their things and continued to set off. Not long after they left, Zimeng and the others felt a few breaths, which were very familiar to Zimeng.

"They're back." Zi Meng stopped, raised her head, and looked into the distance. Yin Chenxi and the others also stopped and looked in Zi Meng's direction.

Soon, Qinglong and the others appeared in front of Zimeng and the others, and Mu Xi and Lucky were brought back by them.

"Master, we're back." Lucky and Muxi ran to Zimeng's side and looked at Zimeng obediently. She was very helpless, but she just smiled and rubbed their heads.

Qinglong and the others were relieved to see that Zimeng was fine, and looked at each other with relief. Qinglong walked to Zimeng's side, and before Zimeng could speak, he stretched out his hand and pinched Zimeng's face unceremoniously.

Zimeng blinked her eyes in a daze, and looked at Qinglong puzzled, she didn't understand why Qinglong suddenly wanted to pinch her face?
"I said you, have you been worrying too much recently, you've lost weight, and your complexion is not good! You haven't taken good care of yourself, have you?" Qinglong's subordinates didn't stay, but Zimeng could hear him Concern in tone.

Zimeng stretched out her hand and slapped Qinglong's paw away, "It hurts, you know? You still have the nerve to call me? As one of the four great beasts, Qinglong God, you have been away for so many days, shouldn't you give me An explanation?"

Zimeng's words made Qinglong's face turn blue. He raised his hand, wishing he could smack Zimeng directly. Do it directly.

Otherwise, let alone whether he knocked Zimeng unconscious, I am afraid that Suzaku will be the first to rush over to fight him, right?
"Is there another person?" Suzaku looked around and found that Di Xueyuan was gone.

"She went back first. Now, although I know that Yuan is fine, but his cultivation base has been sealed and he has been locked up. There is no guarantee that there will be no problems in the future. Therefore, I decided to rescue Yuan as soon as possible."

Zimeng looked at Qinglong and the others, and briefly told them about Di Yuanmo's current situation. She wondered if Qinglong and the others would agree to save Di Yuanmo.

"To save him, I have no objection, but Zimeng, there is something that we must explain to you clearly." Qinglong looked at Zimeng, looking at her very seriously.

Zi Meng and Yin Chenxi looked at each other without speaking, waiting for Qinglong to continue.

Qinglong looked at them, then at Baihu and the others, seeing them nodding, Qinglong was ready to speak.

"When we first arrived in Zhu Wu Continent, the reason why we didn't show up all the time was actually related to this matter, Wuwang City." A murderous look flashed in Qinglong's eyes.

"Wuwang City?" Zimeng was puzzled, it was the first time she heard the name, so she didn't know Wuwang City.

"That's right, the place where we are now is also under the jurisdiction of Wuwang City. All those who have been promoted to the Yuan Dynasty will be brought here. Therefore, the people in Wuwang City, at least, have just been promoted to Yuan date people.

And Dijun Di Zhitian of Wuwang City is even more ruthless. If we go to Wuwang City now, I believe that Di Zhitian will try his best to snatch us away, and you will be very dangerous. "

Qinglong looked at Zimeng very seriously, and told Zimeng all the dangers he was going to face next. No matter what plans Zimeng had, these were what they had to tell Zimeng.

(End of this chapter)

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