Chapter 1335 No love for the wrong person

"So, Wuwang City is the place under the jurisdiction of Yuan and Xueyuan's father, Emperor Zhitian?" Zi Meng looked at Qinglong a little unresponsively, and Qinglong nodded slightly.

"But, why did he gather so many people who have a full date?" Zimeng still didn't understand, but Qinglong and the others didn't explain to Zimeng.

However, even if it was explained, Zimeng didn't care, no matter what happened, she would go to save Emperor Yuanmo.

———The hot little genius doctor——

Di Xueyuan sneaked away and sneaked out again. Her strength was not discovered by anyone.

"I'm back." Di Xueyuan slipped into Di Yuanmo's room, seeing Di Xueyuan, Di Yuanmo hurriedly stood up and looked at her anxiously.

"Don't worry, wait for me to have a sip of tea." Di Xueyuan poured herself a glass of water, gulped it down, and Di Yuanmo kept staring at her, waiting for her to talk about Zi Meng's situation.

While drinking tea, Di Xueyuan secretly glanced at Di Yuanmo, seeing Di Yuanmo's anxious look, she found it very funny.

"Is she okay?" Di Yuanmo saw that Di Xueyuan was looking at him anxiously, so he sat down calmly and watched Di Xueyuan speak lightly.

Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo's indifferent appearance made her feel helpless.

"She is fine now, but after knowing your situation, she was very anxious and insisted on coming to rescue you immediately, but she was stopped by us." Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo, the face on Di Yuanmo's face , for the first time a faint smile appeared.

"As long as she's fine." Di Yuanmo's heart was relieved, but he was also worried that if Zi Meng came to him suddenly, he would encounter trouble.

"During the time I've been with her, I've seen what she's like. You didn't love the wrong person." Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo and said lightly. Roll your eyes.

She was praising herself for being cute, but not him. As for being so proud?

"If sister-in-law hadn't risked her life to save me, I would have seen you now." Although Di Xueyuan looked helpless towards Di Yuanmo, she was really grateful to Zimeng.

Di Yuanmo didn't speak, and listened to Di Xueyuan talking non-stop about the relationship between her and Zi Meng in the past few days. However, before the words were finished, the door was suddenly opened.

Di Zhitian stood at the door with a gloomy face, and Di Xueyuan couldn't help standing up when she saw him.

"Come on, take her back to your room, no one is allowed to let her out without my permission." Di Zhitian's voice was so cold that there was no trace of warmth.

"Father..." Di Xueyuan looked at Di Zhitian, but there was no warmth in Di Zhitian's eyes when he looked at her.

"After Di Yuanmo gets married, you can also get married. The head of the Liu family has always liked you. I think you can obediently wait in the room to get married!" Before Di Xueyuan left, Di Zhitian Opening her mouth, Di Xueyuan froze for a moment.

"Father, Patriarch Liu is older than you, and he already has more than a dozen concubines. You actually want me to marry him?" Di Xueyuan turned her head in disbelief, looked at Di Zhitian, Zhitian turned his head and looked at Di Xueyuan with a cold expression.

Di Xueyuan became more and more disappointed with her father, and for the sake of her own power, she even asked her to marry a dying old man.

Before leaving, Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo through Di Zhitian. They were a little worried for Zimeng. Di Zhitian must have heard what he said just now. I'm afraid he won't let Zimeng go easily.

(End of this chapter)

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