Get married early
However, Di Yuanmo also signaled Di Xueyuan to rest assured that when Zimeng came, they would definitely take her away with her.

"Don't take her away yet!" Di Zhitian said coldly, and immediately guards stepped forward to arrest Di Xueyuan.

Di Xueyuan shook off their approaching hands, "You don't need to catch me, I can walk by myself."

After Di Xueyuan glanced at Di Yuanmo again, she turned and left, and went back to her room. She believed that as long as Zimeng came, she would definitely rescue her. If it was too late, even if she died, she would not marry That belongs to Patriarch Liu.

Di Zhitian looked at Di Yuanmo coldly, but Di Yuanmo ignored him, went back to the room, sat down and continued reading, Di Zhitian snorted coldly, and left directly.

"That woman turned out to be his wife. Since she is coming here soon, we must find a way to stop this." Di Zhitian sat in his seat, watching the girl who fled from Zimeng's hands in front of her. people who come back.

"Dijun, that woman is very powerful. There are so many of us, and we are no match for her. Moreover, she likes to use poison very much. Those poisonous vines protect her, and we have no way to get close to her."

The guards looked at Di Zhitian, a little anxious and a little embarrassed. The mission failed, and they lost so many people. Fortunately, Di Xueyuan came back by himself, otherwise, the few people they escaped would definitely be severely punished .

"You are all useless too. With so many people, you can't deal with a little girl." Di Zhitian gave him a hard look, and he lowered his head, not daring to speak.

Di Zhitian got up and walked back and forth for a long time, but he couldn't think of a suitable way to deal with Zimeng.

"Isn't this simple? Since her goal is Di Yuanmo, let Di Yuanmo get married in advance. Before that woman comes, let Di Yuanmo get married first. I think he will be very happy." Disappointed, in this way, will she still care about Di Yuanmo?"

Just when Di Zhitian was struggling, a gorgeously dressed woman came in from outside, looked at Di Zhitian very proudly, Di Zhitian sat down and looked at her.

This is a very good way to advance Di Yuanmo's marriage date, knowing that his man is going to marry another woman, no matter who it is, he can't take this blow, right?

The words I heard at the door of Di Yuanmo before showed that the relationship between Di Yuanmo and Zimeng was very good and loving. If she knew that Di Yuanmo was going to marry another woman, she would be very disappointed. , leaving Di Yuanmo behind.

When she was frustrated, Di Zhitian would send someone to kill her again. In this way, all the troubles would be solved, wouldn't it?

"What the empress said is that this matter should be done in this way, then I will trouble you to inform them to prepare, and I will talk to Di Yuanmo, and I will make him willingly agree to this marriage."

There was a cold smile on Di Zhitian's face, the woman nodded with a smile, and then sighed involuntarily.

"To be honest, I really like that girl. Why don't you point her out to our son?" The woman didn't leave, and looked at Di Zhitian dissatisfiedly. have no choice.

"Although that girl is good, she is not good enough for our son. Our son is the future emperor. What kind of woman do you want?"

Di Zhitian spoke very arrogantly, with a look full of pride, as if to say how outstanding his son is.

(End of this chapter)

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