Chapter 1354 Use Value

He hasn't seen Zimeng for a long time, so now, if he wants to take a good look at Zimeng and other people, he can only delay his time to see Zimeng.

Naturally, you have to choose to ignore it.

No one helped Lin Meier, even Di Zhitian was quiet, standing aside, watching Lin Meier deal with Zimeng.

At this moment, Suzaku came back with Di Xueyuan, who was finally found, and Zi Meng was relieved to see that she was fine.

"Sister-in-law, why did you come here? I thought you didn't care about me." The moment she saw Zimeng, Di Xueyuan spoke pitifully, looking very aggrieved. Zimeng smiled at her. Only then did I put away my grievances.

"Since you have come out safely, let's go. We came here early in the morning. We haven't eaten yet, and we are hungry." Zi Meng smiled at Di Yuanmo and Di Xueyuan, and they both nodded , Without even looking at Di Zhitian, he was about to leave.

Di Zhitian's face was so dark that it was frightening, Di Yuanmo couldn't keep him, how could he let Di Xueyuan leave again?
"Di Xueyuan, don't forget, I raised you. I am your father. I have worked so hard to raise you all these years, but are you going to leave like this? You are unfilial, you know?
Don't forget, these years, who gave you food, clothing, and housing. If you leave like this, I don't see how you can hold your head up in front of people in the future! "

Di Zhitian opened his mouth suddenly, and looked at Di Xueyuan's figure viciously, he didn't believe that Di Xueyuan could resist these things.

When Di Xueyuan heard his words, she couldn't help but stop when she was about to leave, and a triumphant smile appeared on the corner of Di Zhitian's mouth.

He knew that Di Xueyuan was a person who cared about face very much. She ate well, dressed well, and left here. Scolding is an unfilial person.

"I admit that you gave me everything I have, but I have already given it back to you. Moreover, you did not raise me to grow up to such an extent. Besides your eldest son, who do you care about?" ?

I was able to grow up so big because of my own hard work. Later, the reason why you started to care about me was because you saw the value of my use.

You ask yourself, in your heart, we are all items that can be exchanged for your benefits, aren't we?Now, isn't it too late for you to tell me about father's kindness and son's filial piety? "

Originally, he thought that Di Xueyuan would stay, but what Di Xueyuan said when she turned her head made him almost vomit blood in anger.

"Before, because of the things you gave me, I listened to you in everything. If you asked me to kill, I would kill. I would do whatever you asked me to do. I never hesitated.

If someone wants to kill you, I can resist the attack for you without hesitation, but you, apart from worrying about whether someone will come to kill you again, have you cared about my life?
I always thought that this was my destiny in this life, but now, I already know what kind of life I really want, what I want is freedom, what you gave me these years, I have already returned Cleared up.

So, this time, I want to pursue my life by myself. Here, it has nothing to do with me anymore. I will keep everything you gave me, and I will never need your things again. "

After Di Xueyuan finished speaking seriously, she turned her head with red eyes holding back tears. From now on, she will live with Zimeng and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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