Chapter 1355 Laughing Butt
"Xueyuan, don't worry, if you follow me, you will never suffer." Zimeng smiled at Di Xueyuan, who also smiled with red eyes.

Everyone stared at Di Xueyuan in a daze. They rarely saw Di Xueyuan, but they knew that Di Xueyuan was a daughter who listened to Di Zhitian's words very well. Now it seems that what Di Zhitian did, It's been too much for his kids.

The current situation is a bit like betrayal.

"Wait a minute." Just when Zimeng and the others were about to leave again, Lin Meier spoke, and Zimeng and the others turned their heads to look at her impatiently.

Is it because they don't want them to go one by one, or what's the matter?
"Although we haven't married yet, I'm already your wife, so you must stay with me." Lin Meier ignored Zimeng and looked at Di Yuanmo seriously.

It seemed that it was natural for Di Yuanmo to be with her, but she had forgotten that Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng had said that they were married a long time ago.

Di Yuanmo looked at Lin Meier, frowning tightly, with her?Isn't she too confident?
"I'm sorry, from the very beginning, I didn't intend to marry you, and I was forced to stand here, so you are not my wife, my wife, no matter when, there will only be Zi'er one.

If you must marry yourself today, I will give you a better choice, Di Zhitian, he is the emperor of Wuwang City, after marrying him, your status will be even higher, won't you? "

Di Yuanmo's words were merciless, and he slapped Lin Meier and Di Zhitian in the face.

Lin Mei'er was going to marry Di Yuanmo, but it's fine if Di Yuanmo didn't admit it, and even asked him to marry Di Zhitian. If it really happened, it would be a big problem.

Lao Tzu robbed his son's daughter-in-law. I believe that in the future, this will become the laughing stock of many people's discussions after tea and dinner.

"You are so courageous!" Hearing this, Di Zhitian couldn't stand anymore, pointed at Di Yuanmo, and looked at Di Yuanmo, also full of anger.

However, Di Yuanmo didn't react at all. Whether it was anger or anger, it had nothing to do with him. Anyway, it wasn't his body that got angry.

"I'm not very courageous, but for you, I can handle it." Di Yuanmo still opened his mouth very shamelessly, Di Zhitian's face was already flushed with anger, but Di Yuanmo looked into his eyes But without the slightest compromise or soft-heartedness.

Zimeng didn't want to spend any more time with them, looked at Qinglong and the others, Qinglong and the others nodded in understanding, followed Zimeng's side, ignoring the others and left directly.

But at this time, Lin Meier still couldn't react because of what Di Yuanmo said before. She didn't expect that Di Yuanmo could actually look at her face and say such words.

Could it be that she doesn't have the slightest allure in Di Yuanmo's heart?

Not reconciled, she really is not reconciled, she has never failed in a man's body.

Lin Meier looked at the figure of Zimeng leaving with the others, and there was a flash of hatred for Zimeng in her eyes.

In her opinion, all of this is because of Zimeng, if not for Zimeng, Di Yuanmo would definitely like her and be with her.

Lin Meier is not going to give up like this, but blames all the faults on Zimeng. Moreover, she has secretly made up her mind in her heart that no matter what price she pays, she must get rid of Zimeng. Lose.

(End of this chapter)

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