Chapter 1356

Even if she can't get Di Yuanmo, she will destroy Di Yuanmo. What she can't get, no one else can get it!
After Di Yuanmo left with Zi Meng and the others, he did not leave Wuwang City directly, because they all knew that if they left now, Di Zhitian could still find them if he wanted to make trouble.

Outside, the danger is not necessarily less than here.

So now, they decide to stay here, no matter what Di Zhitian wants to do, they have ways to deal with it.

"Sister-in-law, do we really want to stay here? I don't think this is a very good place. They can find us at any time, and then it will be dangerous. "

Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng, a little puzzled. Although it was very quiet here and no one would disturb her, this place was still within the boundaries of Wuwang City, so it was easy to find them.

What's more, Di Zhitian and the others are very familiar with this place.

"You can rest assured. Although there are dangers here, you have to understand that the dangers after leaving here will not be much more clear than here?"

Zimeng looked at Di Xueyuan with a smile, and Di Xueyuan nodded helplessly. She had already followed Zimeng and the others out, so no matter what danger came, she was not afraid, and she would face it together with Zimeng and the others.

"Xueyuan, are you okay these few days?" Yin Chenxi looked at Di Xueyuan and asked softly. Di Xueyuan shook her head, but her face was a little ugly. what happen.

Looking at Zimeng and the others' suspicious gazes, Di Xueyuan helplessly explained how Di Zhitian forced her to marry in the past few days. In order for Di Xueyuan to marry obediently, Di Zhitian thought of many ways , even cut off Di Xueyuan's diet.

They already knew what kind of person Di Zhitian was, so they were no longer surprised, but the more Zimeng thought about it, the angrier he became.

She regretted that she didn't unite the power of the four great beasts and killed him directly.

Although he is the father of Di Yuanmo and Di Xueyuan, he has nothing to do with Zi Meng. Logically speaking, she should be called Di Zhitian's father-in-law, but Zi Meng doesn't want to have anything to do with him. What's more, Di Yuanmo had already cut off the relationship between them, so this honorific title was naturally avoided.

Zi Meng took a deep breath, suppressed the emotions in her heart, and turned her head to look at Di Yuanmo, who was sitting some distance away from them with closed eyes and breathing.

Looking at the faint black light on his body, Zi Meng frowned. Looking at Di Yuanmo's current appearance, Zi Meng knew that Di Yuanmo did not really control this power.

Before, when the power rioted, Di Yuanmo said that this power made him lose his humanity and kept killing.

Although it is said that Di Yuanmo can control it at this time, he can't completely control it. Seeing Di Yuanmo's painful expression of suppressing his strength, Zi Meng feels very distressed.

Lucky quietly took out a bottle of divine spring water and handed it to Zi Meng. Zi Meng walked over cautiously. Before she could get close, Di Yuanmo suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time as he opened his eyes, a violent breath was released suddenly, Di Xueyuan and the others who were talking in the distance stopped, and looked at Di Yuanmo in horror.

When he saw that the person who walked into him was Zimeng, his violent breath gradually subsided, and his expression relaxed a lot. He looked at Zimeng with a smile, and stretched out his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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