Chapter 1357 Never keep accounts

Zi Meng smiled at Di Yuanmo, walked over quickly, put her hand on Di Yuanmo's, and then sat down beside Di Yuanmo.

"Yuan, is it that power that you don't fully control? Is it hard?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo worriedly.

"It's not uncomfortable, it's just that occasionally, some power will leak out, but even I don't know why, seeing you, the power in my body seems to be very stable, the power that that power brings to me The murderous emotion seems to have disappeared."

With some doubts, Di Yuanmo reached out and touched Zimeng's face to reassure Zimeng. Zimeng's hand was gently placed on the back of Di Yuanmo's hand, and she looked at Di Yuanmo with her still red eyes. Yuan Mo.

The two looked at each other quietly, no one disturbed them, they really hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Zi'er, thank you for your hard work." Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng and murmured. Zimeng smiled at him and shook her head, reaching out and gently stroking the magic lines on his face that did not disappear.

Although, she was very happy to find Di Yuanmo, but she was also very sorry. Di Yuanmo's face was so beautiful that both people and gods were angry. Now, although she is also very individual, Zimeng still has some regrets.

"Don't worry, these things will disappear soon, and you won't be disappointed." Di Yuanmo looked at his reflection in Zi Meng's eyes, and immediately understood what Zi Meng was thinking. Zi Meng.

Hearing his words, Zi Meng's face turned red. Unexpectedly, Di Yuanmo could tell, but it seemed a bit embarrassing to say something, right?

But, forget it, if the person who said she was Di Yuanmo, she wouldn't care so much with Di Yuanmo.

Zi Meng handed the divine spring water to Di Yuanmo, but Di Yuanmo didn't reach out.

"What's the matter?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo in confusion. Now, the strength in Di Yuanmo's body has just recovered, and there is still that power that will cause chaos at every turn. With the divine spring water, it will definitely be resolved. some?
"Although the divine spring water is a rare treasure, it's not what you use, is it? What's more, you have used it for me a lot before, so the divine spring water is not very important to me now. It worked."

Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand and pulled Zimeng into his arms. Zimeng looked down at the divine spring water in his hand, would it be useless if used too much?

Besides, she doesn't seem to have used too much divine spring water for Di Yuanmo, has she?

"When you healed his legs before, you used a lot of divine spring water, have you forgotten?" Afraid of attracting attention, Qinglong, one of the four great beasts sent back to the sun, moon and star sea by Zimeng early, stood in front of him. He kept rummaging through a large pile of books, and opened his mouth lightly.

Zimeng tilted her head and thought about it, is that so?To be honest, she really doesn't remember much, it seems that there is such a thing, right?
She never keeps an account of things for her own people.

As long as it is useful to them, Zimeng will never feel bad.

"Someone is here, Zi'er, take a rest first." Di Yuanmo, who had been watching Zimeng tenderly, suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance. When he stood up, he also helped Zimeng up.

Di Yuanmo left step by step before Di Xueyuan and the others came over and stood beside Zi Meng.

They looked at Di Yuanmo who was leaving step by step in puzzlement. They didn't know what Di Yuanmo was going to do when he left suddenly, but soon, they all understood.

(End of this chapter)

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