Chapter 1358 Solve it directly
Di Yuanmo stopped, and a group of men in black surrounded him. They stared at Di Yuanmo one by one. Under the gaze of Zi Meng and the others, Di Yuanmo moved his hand lightly, and a big black knife appeared. in his hands.

There were people surrounding Di Yuanmo, and naturally there were also people who secretly wanted to get close to Zi Meng and the others. However, before Zi Meng and the others were ready to make a move, those who wanted to get close were already decapitated.

"Anyone who wants to attack Zi'er, kill him!" Di Yuanmo's tone was cold, and his eyes were also cold. Around his body, the black mist that had disappeared reappeared.

It's just that those black mist are not as unstable as before, and now, surrounding Di Yuanmo, it's more like protecting Di Yuanmo.

Zi Meng, who was still very nervous at first, couldn't help but let go, looking at Di Yuanmo's current situation, this power should not cause him too much pain, and it will help him.

In the future, she will also help Di Yuanmo, so that Di Yuanmo can truly control this power.

Di Yuanmo stood there motionless, the black mist around his body became thicker and thicker, enveloping Di Yuanmo and the people around him.

Di Yuanmo waved his hand, waved the sword in his hand, and the black sword energy immediately slashed around. Those who came to kill them felt Di Yuanmo's murderous aura, and hurriedly raised their shields to protect their own safety.

The black fog was getting thicker and thicker, and Zi Meng and the others gradually couldn't see Di Yuanmo's situation clearly, but Zi Meng could feel that Di Yuanmo was safe and sound inside.

It was dark, and Zi Meng and the others couldn't see what Di Yuanmo had done, but when the black mist gradually disappeared, the sword in Di Yuanmo's hand had disappeared, and there were only some fallen corpses left around.

The black mist around Di Yuanmo gradually disappeared, and then he looked at Zimeng. Zimeng looked at Diyuanmo, wanting to rush over to see if he was uncomfortable, but Diyuanmo had already taken the lead. beside her.

"Yuan, how are you? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo anxiously, and Di Yuanmo shook his head slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm afraid that someone will come to make trouble next." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, a little worried. These people have been coming here to make trouble, I'm afraid, Zi Meng wants to rest I can't rest well either.

"No matter how many people they come, we don't have to be afraid, just get rid of them." Zi Meng smiled at Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo gently smoothed Zi Meng's hair. This power worried Zimeng.

Seeing that Di Yuanmo was fine, Di Xueyuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was surprised that Di Yuanmo's strength was so strong. At the same time, she was also disappointed. She didn't expect that Di Zhitian would suddenly send a People come after them.

Afterwards, several waves of people came one after another. However, with Di Yuanmo around, these people came and went. Among these people, some were sent by Di Zhitian, and some were sent by Lin Meier.

Di Zhitian and Lin Meier were very angry that they couldn't kill Zimeng and Di Yuanmo. After thinking about it, they decided to join hands.

They teamed up, even if Zimeng had the four great beasts, they would not be afraid, but the methods they worked together seemed to be useless, and even Zimeng didn't summon the four great beasts.

"Yuan, isn't it very hard?" Zi Meng sat beside Di Yuanmo, looking at Di Yuanmo. These days, those people who came to find troubles were all solved by Di Yuanmo alone.

(End of this chapter)

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