Chapter 1361

"Tell me, where is Zi'er? Where did you send her to?" Di Yuanmo ignored the old man who attacked him, and continued to look at Lin Meier. Lin Meier struggled to stand up, and slowly walked towards Di Yuanmo.

"Do you want to know where she is? I know, but I will never tell you. Just give up on it. If you have the ability, go find her yourself? Don't you love her very much? I think, by the time you find her, she will already be a corpse!"

Lin Mei'er was not afraid of Di Yuanmo at all, she knew that Di Yuanmo would not dare to kill her yet.

After killing her, Di Yuanmo would never want to know Zimeng's whereabouts.

"You really don't want to say it?" Di Yuanmo's gaze became colder and colder, and Lin Meier looked at Di Yuanmo indifferently.

"Kill me if you have the ability, I will never tell you where she is." Lin Mei'er, with a smug smile on her face, raised her neck that was left with bruises and bruises by Di Yuanmo. , waiting for Di Yuanmo to strike again.

Di Yuanmo looked at Lin Meier, and he understood that it was definitely not easy for Di Zhitian to fall in love with him, so now, no matter how he asked, it was impossible for Lin Meier to tell.

Seeing Lin Meier's pride, Di Yuanmo's mouth twitched into a slightly evil smile.

Since she refused to tell Zimeng's whereabouts, he asked everyone here to be buried with Zimeng.

Di Yuanmo looked at Lin Meier without speaking, and raised his hand. Immediately, Lin Meier felt that his body was bound by something, and he couldn't move.

She didn't know what Di Yuanmo was doing. She couldn't move, so she could only look at Di Yuanmo helplessly.

Di Yuanmo's hand moved slightly, and a black long sword appeared in his hand. Immediately, Lin Meier knew what Di Yuanmo was going to do, but before Lin Meier could react, Di Yuanmo quickly started to move , under Lin Meier's watchful eye, they started killing in the Lin family.

Lin Meier watched her family members being killed one by one by Dudi Yuanmo, but she couldn't cry out. At this time, she could only choose to close her eyes and not look at the scene in front of her.

However, in her ears, those screams, shouts, fighting sounds and the sound of people falling to the ground continued to pass into her ears.

Tears dripped from the corners of her eyes.

Everything was over, her house was over!

All of this is because of her, if she hadn't wanted to fight Zimeng to the death, if she hadn't sent Zimeng away, none of this would have happened.

But it's too late to regret it now, it's really too late, Di Yuanmo no longer gave her a chance.

She looked at the corpse not far away, which belonged to her father, and her tears kept falling. She never thought that Di Yuanmo's strength would be so strong, even her father was not Di Yuanmo's opponent.

She wanted to stop, but Di Yuanmo didn't look at her at all.

The killing is still going on, Lin Meier's heart is dead, she knows, at this time, she also understands, in Di Yuanmo's heart, there is only Zimeng, she can't be there, everything she does is just In vain.

Just because of a man, she actually ruined her own family and killed all her relatives!

Lin Meier looked at the dead body of her family and began to cry and call for her family, but no one answered her call.

When Di Yuanmo returned to Lin Meier, the black sword in his hand was dripping blood continuously, and there was still a killing intent that had not completely dissipated from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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