Chapter 1362 What a cruel heart
The sword disappeared, and Di Yuanmo raised his hand to restrain the barrier around Lin Meier's body. Lin Meier fell to the ground with no look in her eyes.

"Kill me, you killed me!" Lin Meier roared as she looked at Di Yuanmo.

"I won't kill you, but if you don't tell Zi'er's whereabouts again, I will let you live or die!"

Di Yuanmo lowered his head coldly, looked at Lin Meier, Lin Meier didn't speak, her eyes kept moving on the corpses around, these were her relatives, they were all dead, all dead!

She has no relatives, and she will be alone in the future!

Lin Meier looked up at Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo's indifference made her feel chills from the bottom of her heart.

This is the man she fell in love with. It's fine that he never really looked at her, but he killed her whole family.

Lin Meier, who had lost all her family members, suddenly started laughing crazily, and Di Yuanmo looked at her with a frown.

Di Xueyuan and the others couldn't think of where Lin Meier would send Zimeng, so they had no choice but to go to the Lin family to find Di Yuanmo.

Because, in their cognition, if Di Yuanmo asked about Zi Meng's whereabouts, he would definitely not wait for them, but would set off to find Zi Meng by himself.

Therefore, they must find Di Yuanmo, and they cannot let Di Yuanmo act alone.

However, when they arrived at the Lin family, they were stunned by the scene at the Lin family.

The entire Lin family seemed to have no survivors. The places they saw were all corpses. They didn't need to think too much about it. They also knew that it must have been done by Di Yuanmo.

"Okay... so scary, if I didn't know that we are not enemies with him, I would definitely not want to see her!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Yin Chenxi couldn't help swallowing, it was really scary.

"I can understand him. After finally meeting Zimeng, we haven't been together for a few days, and then we are separated suddenly. How could he not be angry?"

Gu Fanjing opened his mouth softly. Although the situation in front of him was really scary, he felt that he could feel Di Yuanmo's mood.

What's more, now, Zimeng doesn't know where she is, and whether she will be in danger, they don't know.

"Where is my brother? I don't know, but he already has news about his sister-in-law." Di Xueyuan looked around, but she didn't seem to see Di Yuanmo.

"There seems to be movement over there, let's go and have a look." Gu Fanjing led Yin Chenxi and the others towards the place where Di Yuanmo was.

"Hahahaha, Di Yuanmo, you are really cruel-hearted, we are engaged, and you left with other women in front of those rich and powerful in Wuwang City, and abandoned me.

Now, you actually killed my whole family because of that woman again, why, why?Why are you treating me like this? "

As soon as they walked in, they heard Lin Meier's voice from the hall. Di Xueyuan and the others looked at each other and quickened their pace.

Lin Meier was getting up from the ground, looking at Di Yuanmo angrily, and wanted him to give her an explanation.

"I didn't make this engagement. I won't admit it, and I'm not interested. Now, I just want to know where you sent my wife."

Di Yuanmo looked at Lin Meier coldly, and when Lin Meier saw Di Xueyuan and the others rushing over, she laughed again, very crazy.

"Your wife? Let me tell you, you will never see her again, just wait for her body to be collected!"

(End of this chapter)

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