Chapter 1363
Lin Meier laughed wildly, but Di Yuanmo's gaze became more and more indifferent.

Since Lin Meier is unwilling to reveal Zimeng's whereabouts, Di Yuanmo is not in the mood to continue playing with her.

"Since you don't want to say it, then you can die." Di Yuanmo looked at Lin Meier coldly.

In Di Yuanmo's hand, the disappearing black sword reappeared. He had already decided to kill Lin Meier, and then he went to find Zimeng by himself.

He believes that the bond between him and Zimeng will allow him to find Zimeng, and he will!
"Lin Wan'er, where is my sister-in-law? Tell me quickly?" Di Xueyuan rushed in front of Lin Meier before Di Yuanmo made a move, clutching Lin Meier's collar tightly.

Lin Meier had a crazy smile on her face all the time, she looked up at Di Xueyuan.

"Say it? Why should I say it? Now, my family members are dead and I have nothing. What am I afraid of? Kill me if you have the ability.

Anyway, it was worth it to have Bei Li Zimeng buried with me. When you see her body, I am looking forward to your expressions, hahaha! "Lin Meier laughed crazily.

In Di Xueyuan's view, Lin Meier is already crazy, really crazy.

But, how did they know that although Lin Meier was smiling, her heart was bleeding.

"There's no need to talk nonsense with her. This time, I'll find Zier instead." Di Yuanmo pulled Di Xueyuan aside, preventing her from talking to Lin Meier.

Lin Meier suddenly put away the smile on her face, a fierce light flashed in her eyes, since they cared so much about Zimeng, she must let Zimeng die!

The person she can't get, no one can get it, since she can't kill Di Yuanmo, then she will kill Zi Meng, she will make Di Yuanmo suffer for the rest of her life!

Lin Meier disappeared immediately when Di Yuanmo's attack came before her. Di Xueyuan and the others knew that the situation was not good.

"At that time, Zimeng was like this. She disappeared suddenly. Is it really okay?" Yin Chenxi looked at Di Yuanmo and the others anxiously, but Di Yuanmo didn't have any other expressions other than putting away the sword in his hand. Variety.

"Brother, what should we do? Will Lin Meier go to find her sister-in-law?" Di Xueyuan also looked at Di Yuanmo, who shook his head lightly. He was not worried about this.

He is very confident in Zimeng's strength, a Lin Meier will definitely not be her opponent.

What Di Yuanmo is worried about now is that they don't know Zi Meng's current environment at all, and they don't know the danger Zi Meng is facing.

"No matter what, I must find Zier, and I must not let Zier be in any danger." Di Yuanmo narrowed his eyes slightly. Existence, however, has no clues.

Logically speaking, as long as Zimeng survived, he would feel his lifeline, and even if something happened to Zimeng, he would feel it.

Now, he can't feel his lifeline, unless...

Unless, Zimeng's current environment is in another space, only in this way, he will not feel his lifeline!
Di Xueyuan and the others saw that Di Yuanmo was about to leave, so they hurriedly followed behind Di Yuanmo. There was blood and corpses everywhere, and they didn't want to stay here any longer.

I believe that it won't be long before people who hear the movement here will find it.

(End of this chapter)

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