Chapter 1364
Back where they lived, Di Yuanmo sat there motionless and began to be in a daze, but no matter who it was, he knew that Di Yuanmo was very anxious at this moment.

A few of them stood aside, not knowing how to talk to Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo just sat there for a while, and then, with a wave of his hand, the table in front of him was instantly destroyed.

Di Xueyuan and the others were all shuddered by his fright.

"Why didn't I choose to go out with her?" Di Yuanmo clenched his fists tightly, his face full of self-blame.

If he had gone with Zimeng back then, he would never have let Zimeng disappear alone. Until now, he didn't know where.

What else did he say to protect Zi Meng all the time?In the end, Zimeng was tricked by Lin Meier, how could he not blame himself?
"Brother, it's not your fault." Di Xueyuan walked to Di Yuanmo's side and whispered, Di Yuanmo nodded lightly, how could it not be his fault?
Isn't the reason why Zimeng came here to find him?
Now, because of him...

"Zimeng's strength is very strong, so you don't have to worry at all. Didn't you say it yourself? You believe in her ability. Now, what we have to do is to find out where she is as soon as possible."

Under the gesture of Di Xueyuan and Yin Chenxi, Gu Fanjing sighed and looked at Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo lowered his head and said nothing, just looked at his hand quietly.

"Yes, brother, leave this matter to us, and we will definitely find out." Di Xueyuan echoed Gu Fanjing's words and comforted Di Yuanmo, who nodded slightly.

After Di Xueyuan and Gu Fanjing left, Di Yuanmo closed his eyes and began to practice.

———The hot little genius doctor——

"It seems that Lin Meier has successfully sent Beili Zimeng there, so that we can deal with Di Yuanmo more easily." Di Zhitian laughed when he heard his subordinate's report.

"Dijun, there are no more living people in the Lin family."

"I thought about it. Sending Bei Li Zimeng away will make Di Yuanmo very angry. Don't worry about the Lin family. Anyway, it's okay to be without the Lin family. Where's Lin Meier?"

The corner of Di Zhitian's mouth raised a hint of disdain and indifference, and the subordinate who was reporting to him couldn't help frowning when he saw his smile.

However, because he lowered his head, Di Zhitian didn't find anything wrong with his expression.

"We didn't find Lin Meier's body among the bodies of the Lin family. She must have escaped, right?"

"I think she must be very angry now and wants to kill Beili Zimeng, or maybe she has already gone to Beili Zimeng." Di Zhitian thought of Zimeng's next fate, and his face turned pale. Started to feel proud.

He believes that in that place, even if Zimeng has the four great beasts, it is useless, and he will die miserably.

Not only the environment, but also those who want to survive where they are, will not let her go easily. In the eyes of those people, she is a newcomer, and she must carry a lot of things.

Therefore, she will definitely become the target of many people.

When Di Yuanmo knew that Zi Meng was dead, Di Yuanmo would know what it would be like to go against him.

He was very happy to see the scene where Di Yuanmo went berserk, it must be very exciting.

"My lord, what do we need to do?"

"No, go on, you don't need to intervene in this matter, just wait for the news of her death."

(End of this chapter)

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