Chapter 1365 The Land of No Arrogance (1)

Di Zhitian waved his hand to make his subordinates retreat, while he sat there with a cold smile on his face and started to be in a daze.

Although he thought that where Zimeng was, he would definitely not live long, but apart from the extermination of the Lin family, Di Yuanmo didn't seem to have anything else going on, isn't this normal at all?

Could it be that Di Yuanmo wasn't afraid of something happening to Zimeng?

Di Zhitian raised his head suddenly, perhaps, this matter will really change, and we must make complete preparations, so Di Zhitian got up and left quickly.

Di Xueyuan and the others searched and inquired, but they didn't get any news, so they don't know Zimeng's whereabouts for the time being.

Standing in front of Di Yuanmo, Di Xueyuan and the others were very sorry, but Di Yuanmo didn't blame them, because he didn't know where Zi Meng was, so how could he blame other people?
"It's been a hard day, go and rest." Di Yuanmo looked at them and asked them to rest. Although Di Xueyuan wanted to stay with Di Yuanmo, she could see that Di Yuanmo wanted to be alone now. quiet.

So, for the time being, let him be alone for a while.

As a result, Di Xueyuan, who had walked a few steps, suddenly stopped, and Yin Chenxi, who was beside her, turned her head and looked at Di Xueyuan in puzzlement, but saw Di Xueyuan's face full of horror.

"Xueyuan, what's wrong with you?" Yin Chenxi looked at Di Xueyuan.

"I know where my sister-in-law might be, I know." Di Xueyuan turned her head and looked at Di Yuanmo, who suddenly looked up at her.

"Where is it?" Di Yuanmo quickly got up, walked to Di Xueyuan's side, anxiously grabbed Di Xueyuan's shoulder and asked.

However, Di Xueyuan didn't seem to have woken up from the panic just now, and stood there in a daze. Di Yuanmo's hand grabbed her shoulder and hurt, but she didn't even respond.

"Xueyuan, what's the matter with you?" Di Yuanmo saw that something was wrong with Di Xueyuan, so he couldn't help but let go of his hand, and frowned at her.

Di Xueyuan shook her head lightly, she couldn't believe it was true, if she guessed it right, then Zimeng would be really in danger.

"I don't know if it's my illusion, I think Xueyuan seems to be afraid, isn't it?" Yin Chenxi looked at Di Xueyuan worriedly.

Di Xueyuan was stunned for a while before she realized that she grabbed Di Yuanmo's hand suddenly.

"Brother, sister-in-law, she is probably in the land of nothing." Di Xueyuan was really anxious, but Di Yuanmo and the others frowned.

They are not familiar with Wuwang City, so they don't know where this so-called Wuwang City is, and it will make Di Xueyuan feel scared?
"Nowhere is a terrible place, not only the natural environment there is dangerous, but also many people who want to survive in it, they will shoot everyone who sees it.

The strength of those who can survive in Nowhere is absolutely not to be underestimated, not only that, they will attack in groups, so..."

As Di Xueyuan was talking, she couldn't continue, and looked at Di Yuanmo worriedly, but Di Yuanmo was a little unresponsive, and he stared blankly at Di Xueyuan sitting down.

Although Di Yuanmo believed in Zi Meng's ability, Zi Meng would definitely be injured in such a dangerous place, she would definitely be injured, and she would definitely be afraid by herself.

"I'm going to find her." Di Yuanmo stood up abruptly, and was going to find Zi Meng. He couldn't let Zi Meng be in danger alone.

(End of this chapter)

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