Chapter 1372 Silence for Warcraft
However, they were all wrong. They noticed Mu Xi's movements, and the beast that was fighting with Zi Meng gave up on Zi Meng and turned its head directly, wanting to attack Mu Xi.

However, Zimeng seemed to have known its plan a long time ago, and the attack had already passed when it just turned around.

Zimeng's vines grew very fast, blocking the monster from the vines.

"Hey, don't go, you use vines, I also use vines, so I want to try it out, is it you or me? I haven't started using vines yet, why are you in such a hurry?"

Zi Meng looked at the monster in front of him with a smile. The monster bumped into Zi Meng's vine, but Zi Meng's vine didn't respond.

Just in an instant, the scent they could smell all the time disappeared. This time, the monster became anxious and hit Zimeng's vine crazily. The ground was trembling, but Zimeng was supporting the vine motionless. , not to be destroyed by that Warcraft.

"Wow, master, help, help!" Before Zi Meng could attack, Mu Xi called for help. Zi Meng followed the voice and saw that Mu Xi was hanging upside down by Qinglong .

Qinglong looked at him with a somewhat ugly face, making his voice for help become smaller and smaller.

"What did I say before? If you dare to run around, I will never let you go lightly." Qinglong squinted his eyes and looked at Mu Xi, who shrank back in fear, not daring to look into Qinglong's eyes.

And Zimeng sighed, then turned his gaze, and continued to deal with the monster in front of him.

And Qinglong also threw Mu Xi to Bai Hu, Bai Hu helplessly picked up Mu Xi, Mu Xi looked at Bai Hu aggrievedly.

"This time, you asked for it yourself. You knew Qinglong's temper and you still wanted to provoke him. Tell me, did you ask for it?" Bai Hu said helplessly, and Mu Xi lost all energy and looked listlessly. He was carried by the white tiger.

The monster that Zimeng was facing probably thought that what it was guarding was gone, so it started to attack Zimeng frantically, while Zimeng was dodging leisurely, neither attacking nor letting it escape.

Qinglong and the others could tell that Zimeng was just playing with it now, and they knew exactly why.

When she first arrived here, Zimeng was tormented by these vines enough, so now, she has to toss this vine well.

What's more, Zimeng just got together with Di Yuanmo, and in the end, she was sent here again. She must be in a depressed mood. Now, letting her vent is also a good choice.

Therefore, several people did not stop Zimeng and let Zimeng continue playing. Anyway, this monster can't hurt Zimeng.

"It's okay to let her play like this?" Xuanwu looked at Zimeng with some concern.

"It's okay. Anyway, we don't know where we are now. There are many dangers here. If we want to find a way out, there is no rush. Let her play."

Baihu looked at Zimeng, and opened his mouth lightly. Xuanwu and the others didn't speak, and stood there quietly, watching Zimeng bullying the monster who was anxious to leave, but couldn't leave no matter what.

Although it is said that the monster is the target they want to get rid of, but at this time, Qinglong and Baihu also began to mourn for the monster. No one can bear being bullied by Zimeng like this, right?
Especially, Zi Meng hit it so painlessly, even if Zi Meng didn't kill it, it would be pissed to death by Zi Meng's attack, right?
(End of this chapter)

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