Chapter 1373 It's Just a Piece of Snack
"I always feel that this monster is a bit pitiful." Sitting on Xuanwu's head, Lucky looked at Zimeng and spoke leisurely. Xuanwu and the others didn't speak, but agreed with Lucky's thoughts.

This Warcraft is indeed a bit pitiful!
"I think it's better for this monster to suffer than us, isn't it?" Qinglong turned his head and looked at Lucky, who smiled and slid off Xuanwu's head, sat on his shoulder and began to eat snacks leisurely .

Zimeng played for a while, and seemed to be a little tired of playing, and stood on the ground after avoiding the vines of the monster.

Then, with her as the center, green light began to radiate, and the light became brighter and brighter, Qinglong and the others couldn't help covering their sight.

In the bright light, Zi Meng's vines sprang out from the ground, exuding golden light, echoing Zi Meng's green light.

Zimeng's vines tightly bind the monster in front of him. When the monster wants to stretch out the vines to attack Zimeng, other vines will tightly entangle the vine that wants to attack Zimeng, making it move without moving. no.

As the monster was tightly bound to the ground, the green and golden light gradually disappeared.

Qinglong and the others looked at Zimeng, the monster had been subdued by Zimeng, and the vines were intertwined, as if forming a big tree.

And the monster lost its freedom in Zimeng's vines, not because it didn't want to move, but because it couldn't move at all.

In particular, as Zimeng's vines became tighter and tighter, the physical strength of the monster was constantly weakening.

"What kind of trick is this? I don't think I've seen her use it before?" Suzaku's green light kept rushing from the monster to the vine controlled by Zi Meng.

"I don't know." Several other people shook their heads. They didn't know when Zimeng had this kind of trick, but looking at it, it doesn't seem bad?
In the future, if Zimeng and everyone else use this move directly, they can directly absorb the opponent's energy, and reduce future casualties, right?

"Is it over?" Qinglong looked at Zimeng, who nodded slightly.

"That's it."

"Is it?" They looked at Zimeng in confusion, not knowing what Zimeng meant by 'is'.

"Now, it's just making her lose her ability to move. Plants can absorb nutrients from the ground, so it won't take long for it to regain its vitality."

Zi Meng shrugged indifferently, then turned her head and looked at Suzaku. Suzaku seemed to understand what Zi Meng meant, and walked over directly.

"Although this thing looks ugly, it should be useful, right? Zimeng, don't you want it?" Suzaku looked at the monster in front of him, and then turned to look at Zimeng.

"No, although it's a bit useful, my abilities shouldn't be inferior to it, right?" Zimeng yawned lazily, stretched out her hand to pinch the snack that Lucky had just taken out, and threw it into her mouth.

Lucky looked at his empty paws, the snacks it just took out were snatched away by Zimeng before it had time to eat, woooo...

Moreover, Zimeng seems to be thinking about eating, its dessert, the last dessert...

"Lucky, what's wrong with you? I just ate a piece of your snack, do you want to be so wronged?" Seeing Lucky's look, Zi Meng rolled her eyes helplessly.

Has Lucky forgotten that almost all of its snacks are prepared by Zi Meng?
(End of this chapter)

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