Chapter 1374

"Master, that's my last snack." Lucky looked at Zimeng pitifully, not caring about Lucky's contempt at all.

"The last snack? Are you right? I prepared a lot for you, okay? Are you eating too fast?" Zi Meng looked at Lucky in shock.

If I remember correctly, she did remember that she prepared a lot of snacks for Lucky, how could she finish them so quickly?No matter how you think about it, it is impossible.

Could it be that lucky eats and eats non-stop every day, doing nothing?
"Master, have you forgotten that what you called preparing snacks was a long time ago, and we were almost finished eating. We were suddenly sent here by that woman, and you didn't even have time to prepare snacks for me."

Lucky said, even more aggrieved, the corners of Zimeng's eyes twitched slightly, is it her fault?
This matter has nothing to do with her, okay?She was also sent here by Lin Meier out of nowhere, okay?

Zimeng shrugged, not bothering to care about luck, she has already eaten, what can she do?

You can't spit it out, can you?
Just when lucky and resentful looked at Zimeng, the monster trapped by Zimeng was set on fire by Suzaku. Although it wanted to struggle, it was bound tightly while being bound Suzaku's divine power suppressed it, so it could only be burned by Suzaku's fire.

"What are we going to do next?" Qinglong and the others looked at Zimeng, who sighed.

"Mu Xi, what did you pick?" Zi Meng looked at Mu Xi, and Mu Xi looked at the monsters that were almost burnt out, and carefully took out the things he picked.

Zi Meng and the others gathered around and looked at what Mu Xi was holding in her little hand. It was a bright red flower. Except for the strong fragrance, Zi Meng didn't think it was a treasure.

"Master, eat it quickly, eat it quickly." The corners of Mu Xi's mouth were already drooling, but he still raised his hand high and handed the flower in his hand to Zi Meng.

Zi Meng looked at the flower, then at Mu Xi, seeing Mu Xi's appearance, she wanted to eat this flower very much, but she still handed the flower to her, Zi Meng couldn't help but smiled.

"This, I don't need it, just eat it." Zi Meng looked at Mu Xi with a smile, and Mu Xi looked back and forth between Zi Meng and the red flower, and finally swallowed the flower with restraint. the impulse.

"Master, this, it's good for you if you eat it, but it won't help me if you eat it, why don't you eat it?" Mu Xi tiptoed and brought the flower to Zi Meng's mouth.

Zi Meng looked at Mu Xi with some embarrassment, she didn't know what the flowers were for, how to eat them?

What's more, this flower has not been refined into a elixir. Could it be that Mu Xi is going to let her eat this flower?

"Are you going to let the master eat it directly?" Lucky lay on Xuanwu's shoulder, looking at Mu Xi.

"This kind of flower is called Jinghua. Although it looks blood-red, eating it is good for the owner's health. Jinghua can't be refined into elixir, so it can only be eaten like this."

Mu Xi looked at Lucky very seriously. Lucky tilted his head and thought about it. Mu Xi knew a lot about these things, but he didn't understand. Anyway, Mu Xi said so, and he didn't have to refute.

As long as it is good for Zimeng, it will not take too much care, so Lucky also looked up at Zimeng, waiting for Zimeng to eat it.

"Thank you, Mu Xi." Zi Meng lowered her head and smiled at Mu Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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