Chapter 1376 Emperor Haotian

"But..." Zimeng looked at her, and said a little embarrassedly, for some reason, seeing her, Zimeng wanted to talk to her more.

"Go back! Go back!" The voice seemed to come from far away, and when Zi Meng looked, the figure had disappeared.

The environment in front of Zimeng is also gradually changing, the black mist gradually disappears, and the bright light appears in front of Zimeng's eyes, making her close her eyes involuntarily.

When Zimeng opened her eyes, what she saw were the four great beasts protecting her. They were relieved when they saw that she had woken up.

"How long has it been?" Zi Meng looked at them and asked softly.

"Three days." Qinglong said lightly, Zimeng stood up from the ground, moved her body, and looked around. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

"Three days, so fast?" Zi Meng felt the changes in her body and said softly.

"What do you think? Well, what are we going to do next?" Qinglong looked at Zimeng, and Zimeng looked up at the sky.

"Since there are so many treasures here, we can't come here in vain. Let's go, let's go treasure hunting." Zimeng lowered her head and thought for a while, then waved domineeringly, Qinglong and the others looked at each other helplessly, but did not refute.

It should be said that they had already thought of it, it would be like this, Zimeng is a person who is never afraid of trouble.

Moreover, there are so many treasures here, how could Zimeng let them go?

Although Qinglong and the others were helpless, Mu Xi and Lucky were extremely excited. They rushed out before Zimeng could speak.

Zimeng and Qinglong looked at each other and couldn't help laughing, and then they followed.

At this time, Zimeng didn't know that Di Yuanmo and Di Xueyuan had already arrived here to find her, and Di Yuanmo had already found Zimeng's approximate location through love thread.

Originally, Di Yuanmo wanted to use the power of space to find Zi Meng, but was stopped by Di Xueyuan.

"Brother, I think this matter should tell you that there is a person in Nowhere. If you use the power of space rashly, I'm afraid it will attract his attention."

Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo with some embarrassment. Although Di Xueyuan didn't directly say who it was, Di Yuanmo had already guessed the identity of this person.

Apart from Di Zhitian, the only person who can make Di Xueyuan so scrupulous is their eldest brother—Di Haotian.

The reason why Di Zhitian gave him such a name was only because Di Zhitian believed that Di Haotian would become the next him.

"Brother..." Di Xueyuan looked timidly at Di Yuanmo's face that suddenly darkened.

During the recent period, it may be that Di Yuanmo's temper has become more and more strange when Zimeng is not around, so Di Xueyuan is a little scared. It hasn't changed much.

"Is he very strong here?" Di Yuanmo asked coldly, and Di Xueyuan nodded slightly.

"In order to improve his strength, he has not been out in the land of nowhere for a long time. I am afraid that his strength is stronger than before."

Di Xueyuan spoke with some concern. In fact, she was not afraid of Di Haotian, but if she met here, she might be in trouble.

Anyway, Di Haotian has stayed here for a long time, so he must be more familiar with this place, not to mention, Di Haotian must already have his own influence here more or less.

(End of this chapter)

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