Chapter 1377 Never Escape
And they are completely unfamiliar with this, after encountering them, they probably won't get any benefits.

Di Yuanmo frowned, and looked into the distance, no matter how strong this Di Haotian is, he no longer wants to hide his strength, he wants to use his own strength to protect Zimeng.

He didn't care about other things, and he didn't want to know whether Di Haotian would take action against them, but if Di Haotian came to find trouble regardless of his life or death, then he couldn't be blamed.

"Master, the space here is very complicated. It is better not to use space power for the time being, otherwise, it is very likely that you will be sent to another space. In addition, in order to come here, I have used too much power. I may not be able to use it in a short time. The power of space has helped you."

The unicorn taken back by Di Yuanmo into the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars was quiet for a while, and he couldn't help but whispered to remind Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo frowned again.

In this way, he can't use space magic, so he can't find Zimeng as soon as possible, so he can only speed up.

"Now, we want to find Zi'er. For other things, we can talk about it after we find Zi'er. Let's go." Di Yuanmo looked at Di Xueyuan, and then galloped forward.

Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo's anxious figure, opened her mouth, and swallowed back what she wanted to say.

She knew that Di Yuanmo was in a hurry to find Zimeng, and now, no matter what he said, he would not care, all he wanted was to find Zimeng as soon as possible.

Moreover, Di Yuanmo's strength is so strong. When he came here, he made no secret of his strength, and it was also to protect Zimeng. Naturally, Di Xueyuan had nothing to say. On the contrary, she was very happy for Zimeng.

Similarly, she is also very envious of the relationship between Zimeng and Di Yuanmo.

After Di Xueyuan took a deep breath, she hurriedly followed God Yuanmo, even though Di Yuanmo was very fast, Di Xueyuan could still keep up, but it was a little hard.

Fortunately, although Di Yuanmo was in a hurry, he took care of her, so that she could breathe.

"Xueyuan, if you meet Di Haotian, you should avoid it." Di Yuanmo said suddenly, making Di Xueyuan a little unresponsive.

"Why?" Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo in confusion, she knew Di Haotian, if she avoided him after meeting him, if he found out, what would happen.

"Now that you have left Wuwang City, Di Zhitian must have informed Di Haotian of these things. Do you think he will let you go when he sees you now?"

Di Yuanmo looked at Di Xueyuan with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Both of them knew Di Zhitian's character very well. Compared with him, his favorite son Di Haotian was even worse than him.

Therefore, knowing that Di Xueyuan has betrayed Di Zhitian, Di Haotian will never let her go, and it is even possible that he has received Di Zhitian's order to kill Di Xueyuan immediately when he sees her.

"You are right, I have already left them, so even if I meet him, I will never run away, otherwise, from now on, wouldn't I have to live in hiding all the time?

Moreover, I also believe that with you and my sister-in-law here, I will definitely protect me and prevent him from hurting me, right?The strength of the two of you must be much stronger than him. "

Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo seriously and confidently. Of course, her confidence was for Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng.

Di Yuanmo looked at her, as if thinking of Zimeng, a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth, Di Xueyuan sighed helplessly, Di Yuanmo was definitely a wife slave.

(End of this chapter)

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