Chapter 1378 Strong interest
"Have a good rest, let's continue to set off." Di Yuanmo saw that Di Xueyuan had regained his energy, and was ready to continue to set off.

Di Xueyuan looked at him with some resentment, thinking of Zimeng, she was so gentle, and then changed her face, it was too much.

She was right in thinking just now, this guy is definitely a wife slave, even if he has children in the future, he is definitely a wife slave.

Di Xueyuan followed behind him, and she was a little suspicious. In the future, when she had a child, would Di Yuanmo think that the child disturbed him and Zimeng being alone, and would directly throw the child to someone else.

Di Yuanmo and Di Xueyuan headed towards Zimeng all the way. Although the place is not very big, it will take a long time to catch up with Zimeng.

During this period, Zimeng met someone who made her want to kill him directly.

Along the way, Zimeng and the others also met many people. Some wanted to kill Zimeng to snatch her supplies, and some people avoided Zimeng and the others directly after meeting them.

For unnecessary trouble, Zimeng asked Qinglong and the others to go back first, only the lucky one stayed by Zimeng's side and accompanied her.

"Girl, my name is Di Haotian, I don't know the girl's name?" Zi Meng looked at the man in front of him who looked a little like Di Yuanmo, but most of Di Xueyuan, and raised her eyebrows.

Adding his name, Zi Meng can almost be sure who this person is, and he must have something to do with Di Yuanmo and the others.

Before, she had heard from Di Xueyuan that they still had a big brother, who must be the person in front of her.

Zimeng couldn't help sneering, Di Zhitian really valued him a lot, didn't he?The names are all based on the word Tian, ​​but I don't know if this person can really satisfy him.

Although Di Haotian is very handsome, Zi Meng is not interested in him. To Zi Meng, being good-looking is useless, as long as he is a good person. Talk to him more.

Think about it, after coming here, there are only a few people who made Zimeng drool, Bei Liyang, Gu Qingli, Mo Qiran, Li Yuange and her own man Di Yuanmo.

These men are all good people, and Zimeng believes that they will not harm her.

As for the others, Zimeng just looked at them, and didn't have much interest.

What's more, after being with Di Yuanmo, she hasn't been infatuated with anyone for a long time, and this Di Haotian is not as good-looking as Di Yuanmo.

Therefore, no matter who he is, Zi Meng doesn't want to talk to him so much.

Zi Meng didn't even look at him, and walked around to continue walking.

Di Haotian squinted his eyes, looking at Zimeng's leaving figure, his eyes showed more and more interest in Zimeng.

Just a few days ago, Di Zhitian sent him a letter, telling him everything about Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng, and also telling him that Zi Meng had been sent to Wu Wang by Lin Meier. told him.

Di Zhitian's original words were to find an opportunity to get rid of Zimeng, but when Di Haotian learned that Zimeng had the four great beasts, he already had an idea. He wanted to get Zimeng. The beast is his.

With the four great beasts, in the future, when he inherits the position of Di Zhitian, he will not be afraid of dissatisfaction and dare to do right with him.

At that time, if someone dares to oppose him, then he can indirectly use the power of the four great beasts to wipe out those people.

(End of this chapter)

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