Chapter 1381 The medicine has failed
Now, this is indeed the case, this Di Haotian has been following them, who knows what he will do in the middle of it?
"Let's just be careful." Zi Meng smiled at Lucky, and continued to walk forward, while Di Haotian looked at their figures and raised his hand to touch his chin.

After that, he didn't know what he thought of, and took out a bottle of elixir from his storage ring. This medicine had been kept with him for a long time, and he thought that he would never use it again.

Unexpectedly, now, it will come in handy.

"Miss Zimeng, are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Do you want to rest for a while?" Di Haotian quickly walked a few steps, followed Zimeng, and looked at Zimeng with a smile on his face.

Zi Meng didn't even look at him, let him go and continued, Di Haotian was not angry, continued to follow Zi Meng, kept talking to Zi Meng, Zi Meng still ignored him.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Zi Meng finally stopped and found a stable and safe place to stop. Zi Meng stretched her waist, ready to take a good rest.

"Master, look, there are flowers there." Lucky pointed to the flower in front, Zimeng nodded, Lucky jumped off Zimeng's shoulder, and ran towards the flower.

Seeing Lucky looking around the flowers but not daring to pick them, Zi Meng couldn't help laughing.

Zi Meng took out a pot of water, poured herself a glass of water leisurely, and looked lucky.

"I said, lucky, that flower is just an ordinary flower, what are you afraid of?" Zimeng looked at Lucky helplessly, Lucky turned to look at Zimeng, then stretched out his little paw, and grabbed the flower in front of him. The flowers were picked.

Just when Zimeng was smiling, but didn't see that Di Haotian threw the elixir he had prepared in his hand into Zimeng's teacup.

The elixir melted in water, so when it fell into the teacup, it disappeared instantly.

When Zimeng watched Lucky run back holding flowers, she brought the teacup to her mouth.

However, before drinking the water, her movements paused slightly, just when Di Haotian thought Zi Meng had noticed something, Zi Meng drank the water in the teacup in one gulp.

Looking at the empty teacup she put aside, Di Haotian smiled triumphantly, and then hid in the dark, waiting for the medicine to take effect.

What he thought in his heart was very beautiful. When the medicine took effect and he did everything that should be done, even if Zimeng didn't want to be with him, it would be useless.

I believe that Di Yuanmo will never want a woman who has been touched by other men, right?

At that time, Zimeng can only choose to be with him.

He thought very well, but things seemed to disappoint him a bit. He waited in the dark for a long time, but Zimeng didn't seem to respond. No matter how he thought about it, something seemed wrong.

Logically speaking, Zi Meng should have reacted a long time ago, now?Zimeng sat there without any reaction...continue drinking tea!
"What's going on?" Di Haotian looked at Zimeng in the dark, and couldn't figure out why his medicine didn't work for Zimeng.

Could it be that the medicine has expired?

"Master, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Lucky, who was playing with the flowers, looked up to see Zi Meng's slightly flushed face, and was very puzzled.

"It's nothing, it's just been drugged." Zi Meng smiled at Lucky, Lucky tilted his head and looked at Zi Meng in confusion, was drugged?
Why is Zimeng still so calm?

"Master?" Lucky looked at Zimeng worriedly, Zimeng smiled, and gently raised her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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