Chapter 1382
Lucky looked at Zimeng's hand, a drop of liquid slipped from Zimeng's fingers, and dripped on the ground, Lucky went over to smell it, then hurriedly backed away, and looked at Zimeng.

"It's okay, don't worry, this medicine is useless to me, but it's time to teach him a lesson." Zi Meng frowned slightly, seemingly in a bad mood.

The reason why she didn't move Di Haotian before was because Zi Meng didn't know if he had any influence here, and she absolutely couldn't act rashly until she found Di Yuanmo and the others.

But now, Di Haotian dared to drug her, so don't blame her.

Lucky saw that Zimeng's face had recovered, and while he was relieved, he also looked at Zimeng with some confusion. At this time, Zimeng was still in the mood to boil water, is there a mistake?
"Master, what the hell are you doing?" Lucky looked at Zimeng in great perplexity, Zimeng just smiled without any explanation.

Lucky shook his head, looked at Zimeng, Zimeng's movements did not stop, and when the water started bubbling, a smile appeared on the corner of Zimeng's mouth.

"Lucky, for a while, you have to stay away, you know?" Zi Meng lowered her head and said to Lucky seriously, seeing the smile on Zi Meng's face, Lucky ran away in a flash.

Zimeng's smile is really scary, something will definitely happen in a while, so for its own safety, it has to stay away.

The blush on Zi Meng's face that had just faded away began to turn red again due to the heat of the fire. She extinguished the fire in front of her, turned around, glanced at the place where Di Haotian was hiding, and raised her hand to wipe the spot on her forehead that didn't really exist. sweat.

Looking at Zimeng's changes, Di Haotian had a triumphant smile on his face. He felt that the medicine he had given to Zimeng must have worked.

So, he tidied up his clothes that were not messy, walked towards Zimeng slowly, and waited for Zimeng to embrace him,

Feeling him approaching, a smile appeared on Zimeng's face, "Miss Zimeng, you don't look very well, do you need my help?"

"Okay." Zi Meng looked at Di Haotian with a smile on his face.

Seeing Zimeng's smile, Di Haotian immediately swallowed his saliva, stretched out his hand, and wanted to touch Zimeng's face, Zimeng smiled and turned around, not looking at Di Haotian's face, waiting for Di Haotian's hand to touch When she arrived at Zimeng, Zimeng turned around suddenly, holding a basin in her hand.

And the basin was already empty, looking at Di Haotian again, he was steaming all over, dripping wet from top to bottom, standing there in a daze.

He didn't expect that Zimeng would suddenly do this to him. Although he was not afraid of boiling water, he felt that it made him lose face, very lose face!

Who is he?
He is the future emperor, okay?He was actually poured hot water all over his body by a woman, and Di Haotian had an unusually fierce look on his face, which had always been smiling.

He showed his favor to Zimeng time and time again, but Zimeng always didn't give him face like this.

Since the soft ones are not good, we can only come to the hard ones!He didn't believe that he couldn't get Zimeng.

"Di Haotian, I really didn't expect that you would be so shameless as to drug me. I'm really glad that these drugs didn't have much effect on me. Otherwise, wouldn't I have lost my virginity now? is you?"

Zi Meng looked at Di Haotian with contempt, Di Haotian didn't feel that what he did was wrong at all, and he turned a blind eye to Zi Meng's contempt.

(End of this chapter)

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