Chapter 1383
Zi Meng looked at Di Haotian, and Di Haotian used the aura on his body to dry his clothes. Then, he lowered his head and looked at Zi Meng, his eyes full of lust.

"In our Wuwang City, there are not many women. As long as you have the ability to snatch them, they will be yours. So, today, I must make you mine."

As Di Haotian said, he began to approach Zimeng gradually. Zimeng stood there motionless, watching him. If Di Haotian really dared to make a move, then she would have no choice but to call out the four great beasts.

However, just when Di Haotian's hand was about to touch Zimeng, a powerful attack hit Di Haotian's body, sending Di Haotian flying.

Zimeng turned her head and saw the angry Di Yuanmo and the panting Di Xueyuan standing there, Zimeng's mood was very complicated, she was happy but also felt aggrieved.

Under Di Yuanmo's gaze, Zi Meng's happy mood was gradually taken over by grievances, her eyes were flushed, and tears kept rolling in her eyes, but Zi Meng endured it, not letting the tears fall.

Seeing Zimeng's aggrieved look, Di Yuanmo's anger disappeared immediately, and he stood in front of Zimeng.

"Zi'er, I'm late." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng apologetically, Zi Meng pouted and looked at him.

"Why did you come here now? It's too much!" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo pitifully, and Di Yuanmo reached out and hugged her tightly in his arms.

Di Haotian, who was beaten by Di Yuanmo, got up from the ground, and when he saw Di Yuanmo holding Zimeng in his arms, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared soon.

Seeing Di Haotian approaching, Di Xueyuan hurried to Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay? Have you been wronged these days?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng, a little worried, thinking about it, if Di Haotian had been by Zimeng's side these days, Zimeng would definitely wronged.

"I'm fine, Xueyuan, it's so dangerous here, why are you here?" Zi Meng came out of Di Yuanmo's arms and looked at Di Xueyuan.


"Di Xueyuan, I heard that you left Wuwang City for an exiled bastard?" Di Xueyuan was interrupted by Di Haotian before Di Xueyuan finished speaking. Can't help trembling a bit.

Zi Meng stretched out her hand and pulled Di Xueyuan behind her, preventing Di Haotian from looking at her.

But Di Yuanmo took a step forward, standing in front of Di Haotian, protecting both Zi Meng and Di Xueyuan behind him.

"Get out." Di Yuanmo spit out such a word lightly, with an indifferent expression.

Di Haotian looked at Di Yuanmo, he knew that this person was the exiled bastard he just mentioned, but Di Haotian was a little surprised when he felt the aura of Di Yuanmo.

He couldn't figure out why Di Yuanmo was already exiled, and his strength was still so strong.

"Get out now, if I see you again, I will never show mercy." Di Yuanmo stared blankly at Di Haotian, he had just met Zi Meng, and now, he didn't want to be with such an annoying guy Talk too much.

Di Haotian looked at Di Yuanmo, then at Zi Meng and Di Xueyuan who were guarded by Di Yuanmo, he turned around and left without saying a word, which surprised both Zi Meng and Di Xueyuan .

"He just left?" Zimeng looked at Di Haotian's figure walking away in disbelief. This guy left so easily. He has been following her these days. Why?
(End of this chapter)

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