Chapter 1387 Too Much Jealousy
Di Yuanmo grabbed Zi Meng's hand, pulled Zi Meng into his arms with a light pull, Zi Meng was startled by Di Yuan Mo's sudden movement, and wrapped his hands tightly around Di Yuan Mo's waist. neck, looking at Di Yuanmo's chin.

Di Yuanmo didn't give Zimeng a chance to speak, so he lowered his head and kissed Zimeng's lips, and Zimeng, in his kiss, slowly closed his eyes.

They couldn't directly express their thoughts during this time, but they all melted into this kiss.

After a night passed, Zimeng and Di Yuanmo came back leisurely. Di Xueyuan looked at them, his face was full of dissatisfaction and resentment towards them.

For Di Xueyuan's dissatisfaction and resentment, Zimeng really wanted to explain, but suddenly felt that there seemed to be nothing to explain.

The relationship between her and Di Yuanmo is aboveboard, why explain it?

It's okay if you don't explain it, but if you explain it, it feels like "there is no silver 300 taels here".

However, Di Xueyuan's gaze was too hot!

What was originally normal made Zimeng's face turn red.

"Well, can you stop looking at us like that?" Zi Meng plunged into Di Yuanmo's arms, preventing Di Xueyuan from staring at her.

Di Xueyuan must have guessed what they were doing during the time they didn't come back, otherwise, how could they be staring at them like this?

I always feel that I will be ashamed to face people here in Di Xueyuan's place in the future!

Seeing Zimeng like this, Di Xueyuan couldn't help raising her eyebrows, but she had never seen Zimeng showing such an expression before?
what is this?
Are you shy?
Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's flushed face, and hugged her waist in a good mood.

Di Xueyuan sighed again, sure enough, a wife and slave!
"Okay, you are her sister-in-law, she won't say anything about you." Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, and smiled. Di Xueyuan rolled her eyes, but said nothing.

Only then did Zimeng come out of Di Yuanmo's arms, and sat down on the side, looking at Lucky who kept eating.

"By the way, sister-in-law, how did you meet him?" Di Xueyuan sat down beside Zimeng, looking at Zimeng puzzled.

"To be honest, I don't know either. He appeared suddenly, and he knows our affairs very well. I think Di Zhitian should have told him everything that happened, right?"

Zi Meng shook her head slightly, propped her chin and spoke softly, Di Xueyuan frowned puzzled and thought for a while, then looked at Zi Meng again.

"I find it very strange. If my guess is correct, my father's order should be to get rid of you, but why didn't he do that?"

Di Xueyuan really couldn't figure it out, what do you think, it has nothing to do with Di Haotian's life, right?

"What he thinks is, let me marry him, give him the four gods, and then, when he becomes the emperor, make me the empress."

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo who was on the side, and then opened her mouth cautiously.

As soon as her words fell, Zimeng and Di Xueyuan felt a strong murderous aura coming from Di Yuanmo.

Zimeng and Di Xueyuan looked at each other, then turned to look at Di Yuanmo quietly, Di Yuanmo's face was already dark, how angry is this?

Poor Lucky was so frightened that he froze there. The snacks held in his little paws fell, and he didn't even notice.

"Sister-in-law, don't you think my brother is terrible? Isn't this jealousy too much?" Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo and whispered to Zi Meng.

(End of this chapter)

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