Chapter 1388 Explained
"Is there? Why don't I think so?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile. When Di Yuanmo heard Zi Meng's words, the murderous aura in his body disappeared immediately, and he looked at Zi Meng with tender eyes.

Di Xueyuan shook her head involuntarily, these two people are so simple, Di Xueyuan looked at eating all the time, completely ignoring their luck, and seemed to understand a little bit, what the so-called habit of luck means.

Seeing Lucky completely ignoring them, it turns out that this is just a habit, right?
"By the way, that guy also drugged the master, but the master said that the medicine didn't seem to have any effect on her." Lucky suddenly said, and what he said made both Di Xueyuan and Di Yuanmo stunned.

The corners of Zimeng's mouth couldn't help but twitch, isn't this guy's mouth a little too fast?
She had never dared to tell Di Yuanmo and the others about Di Haotian drugging her, but she was lucky enough to tell her.

Now, the situation seems to be very bad!

Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, and pulled Zi Meng into his arms suddenly, and then inserted his divine sense into Zi Meng's meridian, Zi Meng just sat there obediently and motionless, letting Di Yuan Mo Check out her body.

Di Xueyuan watched Di Yuanmo's movements nervously, and when Di Yuanmo withdrew his hand, Di Xueyuan took a step forward.

"Brother, how are you?" Di Xueyuan knew very well what Di Haotian was like, and the medicine he prescribed to Zimeng was definitely not an ordinary medicine.

"It's okay." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, with reproach in his eyes, and Zi Meng dodged a little when he felt Di Yuanmo's gaze.

She knew that Di Yuanmo was blaming her for not telling the story again.

"That...Yuan..." Zi Meng didn't dare to look at Di Yuanmo, and opened her mouth cautiously, but she didn't know how to explain it to Di Yuanmo.

Originally, if I didn't say anything, I was afraid that Di Yuanmo and the others would be worried. Who knew that luck would say it so bluntly?

"What's going on?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, hoping that Zimeng could explain this matter to them.

Zimeng sighed, and stared at Lucky. Lucky's body froze suddenly, and then timidly moved to a small corner, not daring to look at Zimeng.

It knew that it had said the wrong thing, so now, it had to reduce its sense of existence so that Zimeng would not pay attention to it.

"Explain." Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng and spoke softly.

"Explanation?" Zimeng blinked, turned to look at Di Xueyuan, and sighed, "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that I never agreed to marry him, so he just drugged me. Help, no matter what poison it is, it won't be of much use to me, so don't worry about it."

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, and explained to him very seriously. Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, feeling very distressed.

If he was lucky enough not to mention these things, he would never have thought of them. Moreover, who would have thought that Di Haotian would drug Zi Meng?

Di Yuanmo also suddenly felt that it was a very wrong choice for him to let Di Haotian go so easily before.

He should have been killed directly!
If Di Haotian was just embarrassing them, perhaps Di Yuanmo would not do anything to him, nor would he really attack him, because they had the same blood.

However, Di Haotian dared to prescribe medicine to Zi Meng, which was beyond Di Yuanmo's tolerance for him. For Di Yuanmo, nothing is more important than Zi Meng's safety.

(End of this chapter)

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