Chapter 1389 Dark days

"Zi'er, it's because I didn't protect you well and let him drug you." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng apologetically, Zi Meng just smiled.

This is not a question of whether Di Yuanmo has protected her well, but, who would have thought that Di Haotian would be so shameless?

"Forget it, let's not think about it, let's find a way to get out of here first, I can't stand this place." Di Xueyuan saw that the expressions between Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were not quite right, so , interrupted them hastily.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng and nodded. In order to get out as soon as possible and to let Zimeng have a good rest, Di Yuanmo summoned Ali after he had not summoned the Eight-winged Pegasus for a long time.

The Eight-winged Pegasus was finally released by Di Yuanmo, and immediately roared excitedly, Zi Meng was frightened by its sound, so she couldn't help covering her ears, squinting at the Eight-winged Pegasus.

When Eight Winged Pegasus got excited enough and turned to look at Zimeng, his whole body froze.

It will never forget, what Zimeng has done to it, its beloved feathers took a long time to grow, okay?
Moreover, its dear master actually ignored this matter completely, and even Di Yuanmo made pillows out of the feathers that Zi Meng plucked out of it.

This matter made it sad for a long time. At that time, it thought that when it went out, it must take revenge. In the end, Di Yuanmo actually wanted to prevent Zimeng from getting angry. let it out.

Even if the distance is far away, Di Yuanmo doesn't use it to pull the cart, but acts on his own, which makes it impossible for him to take revenge.

"Hey, Eight-winged Pegasus, your feathers have already grown? Besides, it seems to be more beautiful than before." Zi Meng gently rubbed her hands together, and looked at the Eight-winged Pegasus with a smile, Eight-winged Pegasus Tianma was scared back by Zimeng's smile.

Then, feeling unsafe, he backed away again and hid behind Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo sighed, and under Zi Meng's smiling gaze, stepped aside, fully exposing the Eight-winged Pegasus to Zi Meng. in front of.

"Master, how could you treat me like this? Ever since you were with her, you no longer care about me, you don't like me anymore, woohoo, and you locked me in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars to prevent me from coming out , Woohoo." The Eight-winged Pegasus looked at Di Yuanmo pitifully, and Di Yuanmo shrugged.

The person who wanted to take care of the Eight-winged Pegasus was Zi Meng, how could he help the Eight-winged Pegasus?At most, when he saw that the eight-winged Tianma was almost bullied by Zi Meng, he just rescued him.

By then, Zimeng shouldn't be too embarrassing for the Eight-winged Pegasus.

The eight-winged celestial horse looked at Di Yuanmo and didn't care about it at all. It could only look at Zimeng cautiously and quietly. Looking at Zimeng, it thought of what Zimeng had done to it, and thought of how it had been naked for a long time. wing.

That kind of feeling is definitely not good. I think it was depressed for a long time when its wings were just stripped off by Zi Meng.

Moreover, at that time, no one comforted it, it was alone in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars, but it didn't want to be wronged.

Thinking about the gloomy days during that period, it felt very wronged. Besides, the Qilin was in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars, not only did it not comfort it, but it actually smiled happily when looking at its little fleshy wings.

(End of this chapter)

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