Chapter 1396
"Di Yuanmo, don't forget, I am the future emperor, if you want to recognize your ancestors, you can only rely on me."

Di Haotian looked at Di Yuanmo, he hoped that Di Yuanmo could recognize the facts, and in the future, if he wanted to return to Wuwang City, he could only rely on him.

However, his calculation seemed to be wrong, his words had no threat to Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo was still drinking tea leisurely, ignoring him at all.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Di Yuanmo ignored him, but Di Haotian was very annoyed, and his voice could not help but rise.

Di Yuanmo put down his teacup and looked up at Di Haotian. His expressionless face made Di Haotian's heart tremble.

"When did I say that I want to recognize my ancestors and return to my ancestors? Where is my ancestor?" Di Yuanmo asked Di Haotian seriously. Di Haotian was stunned. Di Yuanmo did not say that he wanted to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan .

However, no matter who it is, they all want to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, right?

He thought that Di Yuanmo thought so too, but unexpectedly, Di Yuanmo actually asked him such a question.

For a moment, Di Haotian didn't know how to continue talking with Di Yuanmo.

Under Di Xueyuan's sneering gaze, Di Haotian turned and left, and then Di Xueyuan walked up to Di Yuanmo and looked at him.

"Brother, you are so domineering. I have never seen someone who swallowed his anger so hard." Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo with full admiration, and Di Yuanmo gave her an indifferent glance.

If it wasn't that Zimeng was sleeping, he didn't want to disturb Zimeng, otherwise, he would definitely clean up this guy.

After Di Yuanmo knew that Di Haotian was pestering Zi Meng endlessly, and that he had given Zi Meng medicine, Di Yuanmo wished he could kill him.

Suddenly, Di Yuanmo stood up, the murderous aura scattered from his body, frightened Di Xueyuan, and also stood up.

"Di Haotian!" Di Yuanmo gritted his teeth and called out Di Haotian's name, and then disappeared in front of Di Xueyuan.

Di Xueyuan stood there and blinked her eyes, wondering why Di Yuanmo was so anxious all of a sudden, but when he mentioned Di Haotian's name, it must be Di Haotian, what did he do?

Before she had time to think about it, Di Xueyuan hurriedly followed to find Di Yuanmo, and at this time Di Yuanmo was already in the room, sitting beside Zi Meng's bed, Zi Meng was still sleeping, Di Xueyuan couldn't help but slow down pace.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Di Xueyuan asked Di Yuanmo in a low voice, and Di Yuanmo turned to look at her.

"Just now, someone wanted to break through my enchantment. Fortunately, the enchantment and my aura are connected together, otherwise, I'm afraid they will succeed."

Di Yuanmo's voice was very cold, and Di Xueyuan looked at Zi Meng in disbelief.

No way?
There are only a few people around here, apart from her and Di Yuanmo, there should be only Di Haotian, right?

Could it be that Di Haotian thought that the possibility of convincing Di Yuanmo was unlikely, so he planned to attack Zimeng first?
It's just looking for death!
"Xueyuan, you stay in the room and stay with Zi'er. Zi'er hasn't rested for a short time. Let her have a good rest. I'll go out for a while and I'll be back soon."

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng for a long time, got up, did not look at Di Xueyuan, and was about to leave. Although he didn't want to do anything, Di Xueyuan still guessed something.

"Brother, I think it's better to wait until sister-in-law wakes up. If sister-in-law wakes up and can't see you, sister-in-law will definitely be very anxious."

(End of this chapter)

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