Chapter 1397
Di Xueyuan's words made Di Yuanmo stop, and Di Yuanmo turned to look at the sleeping Zi Meng.

That's right, if Zimeng wakes up and he's not there, Zimeng will definitely be very anxious, and, after a while, when Di Yuanmo comes back, Zimeng will give him a good face.

"Forget it." Di Yuanmo sighed and sat aside.

Di Xueyuan also sighed softly, fortunately Di Yuanmo stopped, otherwise, she really didn't know how to stop him.

Zi Meng is still sleeping, if Di Yuanmo really goes to Di Haotian to settle accounts, how will she explain when Zi Meng wakes up?

In fact, even Di Haotian himself didn't expect that Di Yuanmo and Di Xueyuan, who were sitting on the side, would even set up an enchantment around the room.

He also understood that Di Yuanmo had been guarding against him from beginning to end.

After this time, I'm afraid that when meeting Di Yuanmo, he will have to fight, and his goal will never be realized.

"Although, I've never seen him look deflated, but in this way, the next time we meet him, I'm afraid it will be a big battle." Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo, a little worried.

"I know..." Di Yuanmo said lightly.

"I think there should be countless small battles before the big battle with him?" Zi Meng's voice came weakly, and Di Yuanmo and Di Xueyuan looked over.

Zimeng lazily sat up from the bed, looking at her, she was still sleepy!
"Zi'er, are you awake?" Di Yuanmo sat beside Zi Meng's bed, looked at Zi Meng, Zi Meng nodded slightly, raised her head and rubbed her eyes.

"Sister-in-law, what do you mean by what you just said?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng in confusion.

"Didn't you say it before? Di Haotian has been here for a long time, since he is the future emperor, do you think he can stop pulling his power here?

What's more, I remember you said that all the people here are very strong, so he naturally wants to be drawn into his camp, isn't he? "

Zi Meng looked at Di Xueyuan very seriously, Di Xueyuan tilted her head and thought for a while, what Zi Meng said really made sense, but even if these people came, it should not be Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo opponent?
However, they can't sit still like this, can they?
"Sister-in-law, tell me, what are we going to do next? We can't just sit here and wait for them to come, can we?" Di Xueyuan got up anxiously, she absolutely didn't want to be caught back.

After returning, her fate must be miserable.

Di Zhitian has always been thinking about marrying her to someone who can enhance his power.

Moreover, during the time with Di Yuanmo and the others, Di Xueyuan was very happy, and she also knew what a free life is.

She didn't want to be arrested before she had enjoyed enough of this.

"What should I do?" Zimeng sat cross-legged on the bed, propped her chin with one hand, and began to think seriously.

"We'll take the initiative to find the door. No matter how many people stop us, we'll just kill them all." Zi Meng was still thinking of a way, so Di Yuanmo spoke first, and Di Xueyuan and Zi Meng couldn't help but pick their words. raised an eyebrow.

Take the initiative to come to the door?What's the idea?

"Is there a problem?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, then at Di Xueyuan, and the two shook their heads in unison. How could they disagree?

The two of them knew very well that Di Yuanmo was going to go directly to Di Haotian to settle accounts, how could they not let Di Yuanmo do what he wanted?

(End of this chapter)

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