Chapter 1398 Is it fun to be the master?

"Then get up and tidy up." Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand and pulled Zimeng up, letting her wake up.

"But, I think I haven't woken up yet." Zimeng was lazily pulled up by Di Yuanmo, who looked at Zimeng helplessly. She had slept for a long time, how could she not wake up?

If she really didn't wake up, how could she have the energy to eavesdrop on them?

"Okay, don't play tricks, get up quickly, don't you want to clean up Di Haotian? If we go late, don't we have to give him a chance to prepare everything?"

Di Yuanmo pulled Zi Meng into his arms, Zi Meng pouted, she wanted to trouble Di Haotian, but she didn't want to see Di Haotian either, every time she saw his face, Zi Meng Moe felt her eyes hurt.

"Well, prepare slowly, I'll wait for you outside." Di Xueyuan looked at the two of them, got up helplessly, and walked out feeling very uncomfortable.

In Di Yuanmo's arms, Zi Meng saw the figure of Di Xueyuan going out, and then continued to lie in Di Yuanmo's arms not wanting to go out.

"If, you don't get up now, I won't let you get out of bed!" Di Yuanmo lowered his head and looked at Zi Meng amusedly, Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo, then tilted his head and thought for a while , Then, I don't know what I thought of, after a hey smile, I got up.

However, when she got up, she threw Di Yuanmo onto the bed. While Di Yuanmo was still in a daze, she lowered her head and kissed Di Yuanmo hard on the mouth, and then, in a flash Get up and run out.

Di Yuanmo lay there in a daze, touched his lips, and laughed.

This girl is getting more and more mischievous, she ran away after kissing him, and she ran quite fast.

"Sister-in-law, why did you come out so soon? I thought you were going to stay in my brother's arms for a while?" Di Xueyuan watched Zimeng come out so quickly, and teased her with a smile.

"Why are you bored? Now, it's not the time to be bored. When you go out, you can be bored for as long as you want. Let's go, let's prepare something to eat, and then we set off to find Di Haotian."

Zimeng smiled like a stealing cat, pulling Di Xueyuan out, Di Xueyuan tilted her head and followed behind Zimeng, feeling that there was something wrong with Zimeng's smile?
After she went out, what happened?

"Sister-in-law..." Di Xueyuan looked at the back of Zimeng's head, ready to ask Zimeng carefully.

"Let's barbecue directly? Didn't we catch a few monsters these days? Barbecue is the most convenient." Zi Meng turned her head and interrupted Di Xueyuan's words directly. interrupted her question.

Zimeng and Di Xueyuan lit up the fire, packed up the meat they had prepared, and then sat there and started to grill the meat.

Only then did Di Yuanmo come out of the room, seeing Zi Meng and Di Xueyuan preparing food, he sat down leisurely and started reading.

Zi Meng and Di Xueyuan looked at him and smiled, then continued to barbecue.

"Sister-in-law, I heard that you are the head of the Liuli sect in your place. Is it fun to be the head?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zi Meng and asked softly. Zi Meng curled her lips, is it fun to be the head?

"This, I can't say whether it's fun or not, right? I should say yes, tired or not. To be honest, I really don't want to be the leader. I had no choice but to take this position back then."

(End of this chapter)

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