Chapter 1399 I'm Innocent

Thinking about the past, thinking about Xing Yage, Zimeng's voice was a little deep, Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng, and always felt that Zimeng seemed a little low.

Not far away, Di Yuanmo also raised his head and looked at Zimeng.

"The former head of the Liuli Sect was my master. She died because of me. She said before that she would let me succeed her, but I refused. After she died, I had no choice but to take over the head. The location of the door.

Because, at that time, the Liuli faction was almost destroyed, and I had to let the Liuli faction stand up again.

Now, the Liuli faction has stood up, even without me, the Liuli faction will have no problems, so I think I will give way after I go back. "

Zimeng looked at Di Xueyuan with a sudden smile, and Di Xueyuan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Zimeng had brought back some bad memories.

Di Yuanmo looked at the smile on Zimeng's face, and tightened his hand holding the book. He knew what Zimeng was thinking, and Zimeng must be thinking that she hadn't solved Shi Yu for so long.

Now, I don't know where Shi Yu is.

"Sister-in-law, I think you are really amazing. When I go back later, you must take me around. I am very interested in the places where you lived."

Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng excitedly, and Zimeng raised her eyebrows, "You came back with us just to have a good time?"

"Of course? Here, I have been locked in the palace all the time, and I have no chance to go out. During this time, with you, I feel that I understand a lot of things and see a lot. I haven't seen it before. s things."

Di Xueyuan lowered her head and opened her mouth in embarrassment, Zi Meng turned to look at her, reached out, patted her shoulder lightly, and smiled sweetly at her.

Di Xueyuan looked at the place Zi Meng had just photographed, and raised her eyebrows.

"Sister-in-law, did you do it on purpose?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng with a smile.

"What?" Zimeng looked at Di Xueyuan puzzled, she looked so innocent!

It was as if she didn't understand what Di Xueyuan asked at all.

"Sister-in-law, don't pretend to be stupid. Don't you feel any emotion after hearing what I said? You definitely did it on purpose to pat my shoulder with your dark hand. "

As Di Xueyuan said, she looked at the black handprint on her shoulder. Zimeng still looked at Di Xueyuan innocently. The meaning is revealed.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm really innocent, I just forgot, my hand just grabbed carbon." Under Di Xueyuan's direct gaze, Zi Meng pouted innocently.

"Innocent?" Di Xueyuan's face approached Zimeng, Zimeng nodded, put down the barbecue in her hand, raised her hands, and held Di Xueyuan's face seriously.

"I'm really innocent, look, my innocent little eyes?" Zimeng blinked her eyes, looking into Di Xueyuan's eyes very seriously.

The corners of Di Xueyuan's eyes twitched sharply, and she looked at Zimeng dangerously, Zimeng let go of her hand quietly.

"That..." Zi Meng looked left and right, but didn't look at Di Xueyuan.

"Sister-in-law, you definitely did it on purpose." Di Xueyuan stood up abruptly, glaring at Zimeng, who couldn't help but step back.

Di Yuanmo raised his head and looked at Zi Meng and Di Xueyuan. Di Xueyuan had two paw prints on Di Xueyuan's face. It was obvious that they were Zi Meng's handprints.

(End of this chapter)

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